

Format of the Sdv-map.h File

The Sdv-map.h file lists all of the function role types that have been declared in the driver and their associated callback functions and driver entry points.

The following shows the approved Sdv-map.h file for the KMDF sample driver, Fail_Driver3.

#define fun_WDF_DRIVER_DEVICE_ADD EvtDriverDeviceAdd
#define fun_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_READ EvtIoRead
#define fun_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_STOP EvtIoStop
#define fun_WDF_TIMER_1 EvtTimerFunc
#define fun_WDF_DRIVER_UNLOAD EvtDriverUnload
#define fun_WDF_REQUEST_CANCEL_1 EvtRequestCancel
#define fun_DriverEntry DriverEntry
#define fun_WDF_DEVICE_D0_ENTRY DeviceD0Entry
#define fun_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_WRITE EvtIoWrite
#define fun_WDF_IO_QUEUE_IO_DEVICE_CONTROL EvtIoDeviceControl

When SDV finds an entry point, it creates a #define directive in the following format:

#define fun_Function_RoleType EntryPoint