


The !usb3kd.xhci_resourceusage extension displays the resources used by a USB 3.0 host controller.

!usb3kd.xhci_resourceusage DeviceExtension


Address of the device extension for the host controller's functional device object (FDO).




The output the !xhci_resourceusage command is based on the data structures maintained by the USB 3.0 host controller driver (UsbXhci.sys). For more information about the USB 3.0 host controller driver and other drivers in the USB stack, see USB host-side drivers in Windows.


To obtain the address of the device extension, look at the output of the !xhci_dumpall command. In the following example, the address of the device extension is 0xfffffa800536e2d0.

3: kd> !xhci_dumpall

## Dumping all the XHCI controllers - DrvObj 0xfffffa80053072f0
1)  ... - PCI: VendorId ... DeviceId ... RevisionId ... Firmware ...

    dt USBXHCI!_CONTROLLER_DATA 0xfffffa80052f20c0
    !rcdrlogdump USBXHCI -a 0xfffffa8005068520
    !rcdrlogdump USBXHCI -a 0xfffffa8004e8b9a0 (rundown)
    !wdfdevice 0x57ffac91fd8
    !xhci_capability 0xfffffa800536e2d0
    !xhci_registers 0xfffffa800536e2d0
    !xhci_commandring 0xfffffa800536e2d0 (No commands are pending)
    !xhci_deviceslots 0xfffffa800536e2d0
    !xhci_eventring 0xfffffa800536e2d0
    !xhci_resourceusage 0xfffffa800536e2d0

Now you can pass the address of the device extension to the !xhci_resourceusage command.

 3: kd> !xhci_resourceusage 0xfffffa800536e2d0

## Dumping CommonBuffer Resources
    dt USBXHCI!_COMMON_BUFFER_DATA 0xfffffa80059a5920
    DmaEnabler:!wdfdmaenabler 0x57ffa65a9c8

    CommonBuffers Large: Total 9 Available 2 Used 7 TotalBytes 36864
        [ 1] dt _TRACKING_DATA 0xfffffa80059a6768 VA 0xfffffa8005370000 LA 0x117170000 ...
        [ 2] dt _TRACKING_DATA 0xfffffa80059a4768 VA 0xfffffa8005373000 LA 0x117173000 ...
    CommonBuffers Small: Total 32 Available 8 Used 24 TotalBytes 16384
        [ 1] dt _TRACKING_DATA 0xfffffa80059a2798 VA 0xfffffa8005aeb000 LA 0x1168eb000 ...
        [ 2] dt _TRACKING_DATA 0xfffffa80059a27e8 VA 0xfffffa8005aeb200 LA 0x1168eb200 ...

See also

USB 3.0 Extensions


Universal Serial Bus (USB) Drivers