


The !pci extension displays the current status of the peripheral component interconnect (PCI) buses, as well as any devices attached to those buses.

!pci [Flags [Segment] [Bus [Device [Function [MinAddress MaxAddress]]]]]


Specifies the level of output. Can be any combination of the following bits:

Bit 0 (0x1)
Causes a verbose display.

Bit 1 (0x2)
Causes the display to include all buses in the range from bus 0 (zero) to the specified Bus.

Bit 2 (0x4)
Causes the display to include information in raw byte format. If MinAddress, MaxAddress, or flag bit 0x8 is set, this bit is automatically set as well.

Bit 3 (0x8)
Causes the display to include information in raw DWORD format.

Bit 4 (0x10)
Causes the display to include invalid device numbers. If Device is specified, this flag is ignored.

Bit 5 (0x20)
Causes the display to include invalid function numbers.

Bit 6 (0x40)
Causes the display to include capabilities.

Bit 7 (0x80)
Causes the display to include Intel 8086 device-specific information.

Bit 8 (0x100)
Causes the display to include the PCI configuration space.

Bit 9 (0x200)
Causes the display to include segment information. When this bit is included, the Segment parameter must be included.

Bit 10 (0x400)
Causes the display to include all valid segments in the range from segment 0 to the specified segment. When this bit is included, the Segment parameter must be included.

Specifies the number of the segment to be displayed. Segment numbers range from 0 to 0xFFFF. If Segment is omitted, information about the primary segment (segment 0) is displayed. If Flags includes bit 10 (0x400), Segment specifies the highest valid segment to be displayed.

Specifies the bus to be displayed. Bus can range from 0 to 0xFF. If it is omitted, information about the primary bus (bus 0) is displayed. If Flags includes bit 1 (0x2), Bus specifies the highest bus number to be displayed.

Specifies the slot device number for the device. If this is omitted, information about all devices is printed.

Specifies the slot function number for the device. If this is omitted, all information about all device functions is printed.

Specifies the first address from which raw bytes or DWORDs are to be displayed. This must be between 0 and 0xFF.

Specifies the last address from which raw bytes or DWORDs are to be displayed. This must be between 0 and 0xFF, and not less than MinAddress.



This extension command can only be used with an x86-based target computer.

Additional Information

See Plug and Play Debugging for applications of this extension command and additional examples. For information about PCI buses, see the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) documentation.


To edit the PCI configuration space, use !ecb, !ecd, or !ecw.

The following example displays a list of all buses and their devices. This command will take a long time to execute. You will see a moving counter at the bottom of the display while the debugger scans the target system for PCI buses:

kd> !pci 2 ff
PCI Bus 0
00:0  8086:1237.02  Cmd[0106:.mb..s]  Sts[2280:.....]  Device  Host bridge
0d:0  8086:7000.01  Cmd[0007:imb...]  Sts[0280:.....]  Device  ISA bridge
0d:1  8086:7010.00  Cmd[0005:i.b...]  Sts[0280:.....]  Device  IDE controller
0e:0  1011:0021.02  Cmd[0107:imb..s]  Sts[0280:.....]  PciBridge 0->1-1  PCI-PCI bridge
10:0  102b:0519.01  Cmd[0083:im....]  Sts[0280:.....]  Device  VGA compatible controller
PCI Bus 1
08:0  10b7:9050.00  Cmd[0107:imb..s]  Sts[0200:.....]  Device  Ethernet
09:0  9004:8178.00  Cmd[0117:imb..s]  Sts[0280:.....]  Device  SCSI controller

This example displays verbose information about the devices on the primary bus. The two-digit number at the beginning of each line is the device number; the one-digit number following it is the function number:

kd> !pci 1 0
PCI Bus 0
00:0  8086:1237.02  Cmd[0106:.mb..s]  Sts[2280:.....]  Device  Host bridge
      cf8:80000000  IntPin:0  IntLine:0  Rom:0  cis:0  cap:0

0d:0  8086:7000.01  Cmd[0007:imb...]  Sts[0280:.....]  Device  ISA bridge
      cf8:80006800  IntPin:0  IntLine:0  Rom:0  cis:0  cap:0

0d:1  8086:7010.00  Cmd[0005:i.b...]  Sts[0280:.....]  Device  IDE controller
      cf8:80006900  IntPin:0  IntLine:0  Rom:0  cis:0  cap:0

0e:0  1011:0021.02  Cmd[0107:imb..s]  Sts[0280:.....]  PciBridge 0->1-1  PCI-PCI bridge
      cf8:80007000  IntPin:0  IntLine:0  Rom:0  cap:0  2sts:2280  BCtrl:6 ISA
      IO:f000-ffff  Mem:fc000000-fdffffff  PMem:fff00000-fffff

10:0  102b:0519.01  Cmd[0083:im....]  Sts[0280:.....]  Device  VGA compatible controller
      cf8:80008000  IntPin:1  IntLine:9  Rom:80000000  cis:0  cap:0
      MEM[0]:fe800000  MPF[1]:fe000008  

This example shows even more detailed information about bus 0 (zero), device 0x0D, and function 0x1, including the raw DWORDS from addresses between 0x00 and 0x3F:

kd> !pci f 0 d 1 0 3f
PCI Bus 0
0d:1  8086:7010.00  Cmd[0005:i.b...]  Sts[0280:.....]  Device  IDE controller
      cf8:80006900  IntPin:0  IntLine:0  Rom:0  cis:0  cap:0
      00000000:  70108086 02800005 01018000 00002000
      00000010:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
      00000020:  0000fff1 00000000 00000000 00000000
      00000030:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

This example displays the configuration space for segment 1, bus 0, device 1:

0: kd> !pci 301 1 0 1

PCI Configuration Space (Segment:0001 Bus:00 Device:01 Function:00)
Common Header:
    00: VendorID       14e4 Broadcom Corporation
    02: DeviceID       16c7
    04: Command        0146 MemSpaceEn BusInitiate PERREn SERREn
    06: Status         02b0 CapList 66MHzCapable FB2BCapable DEVSELTiming:1
    5a: MsgCtrl        64BitCapable MultipleMsgEnable:0 (0x1) MultipleMsgCapable:3 (0x8)
    5c: MsgAddr        2d4bff00
    60: MsgAddrHi      1ae09097
    64: MsData         9891

To display all devices and buses on valid segments, issue the command !pci 602 ffff ff:

0: kd> !pci 602 ffff ff
Scanning the following PCI segments: 0 0x1
PCI Segment 0 Bus 0
01:0  14e4:16c7.10  Cmd[0146:.mb.ps]  Sts[02b0:c6...]  Ethernet Controller  SubID:103c:1321
02:0  1000:0030.08  Cmd[0147:imb.ps]  Sts[0230:c6...]  LSI SCSI Controller  SubID:103c:1323
02:1  1000:0030.08  Cmd[0147:imb.ps]  Sts[0230:c6...]  LSI SCSI Controller  SubID:103c:1323
03:0  1000:0030.08  Cmd[0147:imb.ps]  Sts[0230:c6...]  LSI SCSI Controller  SubID:103c:1323
03:1  1000:0030.08  Cmd[0147:imb.ps]  Sts[0230:c6...]  LSI SCSI Controller  SubID:103c:1323
PCI Segment 0 Bus 0x38
01:0  14e4:1644.12  Cmd[0146:.mb.ps]  Sts[02b0:c6...]  Ethernet Controller  SubID:10b7:1000
PCI Segment 0 Bus 0x54
00:0  103c:403b.00  Cmd[0547:imb.ps]  Sts[0010:c....]  HP PCI-PCI Bridge 0x54->0x55-0x55
PCI Segment 0 Bus 0x70
00:0  103c:403b.00  Cmd[0547:imb.ps]  Sts[0010:c....]  HP PCI-PCI Bridge 0x70->0x71-0x71
PCI Segment 0 Bus 0xa9
01:0  8086:b154.00  Cmd[0147:imb.ps]  Sts[0ab0:c6.A.]  Intel PCI-PCI Bridge 0xa9->0xaa-0xaa
PCI Segment 0 Bus 0xaa
04:0  1033:0035.41  Cmd[0146:.mb.ps]  Sts[0210:c....]  NEC USB Controller  SubID:103c:1293
04:1  1033:0035.41  Cmd[0146:.mb.ps]  Sts[0210:c....]  NEC USB Controller  SubID:103c:aa55
04:2  1033:00e0.02  Cmd[0146:.mb.ps]  Sts[0210:c....]  NEC USB2 Controller  SubID:103c:aa55
05:0  1002:5159.00  Cmd[0187:imb..s]  Sts[0290:c....]  ATI VGA Compatible Controller  SubID:103c:1292
PCI Segment 0 Bus 0xc6
00:0  103c:403b.00  Cmd[0547:imb.ps]  Sts[0010:c....]  HP PCI-PCI Bridge 0xc6->0xc7-0xc7
PCI Segment 0 Bus 0xe3
00:0  103c:403b.00  Cmd[0547:imb.ps]  Sts[0010:c....]  HP PCI-PCI Bridge 0xe3->0xe4-0xe4
PCI Segment 0x1 Bus 0
01:0  14e4:16c7.10  Cmd[0146:.mb.ps]  Sts[02b0:c6...]  Ethernet Controller  SubID:103c:1321
02:0  1000:0030.08  Cmd[0147:imb.ps]  Sts[0230:c6...]  LSI SCSI Controller  SubID:103c:1323
02:1  1000:0030.08  Cmd[0147:imb.ps]  Sts[0230:c6...]  LSI SCSI Controller  SubID:103c:1323
03:0  1000:0030.08  Cmd[0147:imb.ps]  Sts[0230:c6...]  LSI SCSI Controller  SubID:103c:1323
03:1  1000:0030.08  Cmd[0147:imb.ps]  Sts[0230:c6...]  LSI SCSI Controller  SubID:103c:1323
PCI Segment 0x1 Bus 0x54
00:0  103c:403b.00  Cmd[0547:imb.ps]  Sts[0010:c....]  HP PCI-PCI Bridge 0x54->0x55-0x55
PCI Segment 0x1 Bus 0x55
00:0  8086:10b9.06  Cmd[0147:imb.ps]  Sts[0010:c....]  Intel Ethernet Controller  SubID:8086:1083
PCI Segment 0x1 Bus 0x70
00:0  103c:403b.00  Cmd[0547:imb.ps]  Sts[0010:c....]  HP PCI-PCI Bridge 0x70->0x71-0x71
PCI Segment 0x1 Bus 0xc6
00:0  103c:403b.00  Cmd[0547:imb.ps]  Sts[0010:c....]  HP PCI-PCI Bridge 0xc6->0xc7-0xc7
PCI Segment 0x1 Bus 0xe3
00:0  103c:403b.00  Cmd[0547:imb.ps]  Sts[0010:c....]  HP PCI-PCI Bridge 0xe3->0xe4-0xe4