


The !devext extension displays bus-specific device extension information for devices on a variety of buses.

!devext Address TypeCode



Specifies the hexadecimal address of the device extension to be displayed.


Specifies the type of object that owns the device extension to be displayed. Type codes are not case-sensitive. Valid type codes are:

TypeCode Object
ISAPNP ISA PnP device extension
PCMCIA PCMCIA device extension
HID HID device extension



Additional Information

See Plug and Play Debugging for applications of this extension command. For more information about device extensions, see the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) documentation.


The !usbhub, !hidfdo, and !hidpdo extensions are obsolete; their functionality has been integrated into !devext.

For those object types that are no longer supported by !devext, use the dt (Display Type) debugger command.

Here is an example for an ISA PnP device extension:

kd> !devext e0000165fff32190 ISAPNP
ISA PnP FDO @ 0x00000000, DevExt @ 0xe0000165fff32190, Bus # 196639
Flags (0x854e2530)  DF_ACTIVATED, DF_QUERY_STOPPED, 
                    DF_STOPPED, DF_RESTARTED_NOMOVE, 
                    Unknown flags 0x054e2000

NumberCSNs           - -536870912
ReadDataPort         - 0x0000000d (mapped)
AddressPort          - 0x00000000 (not mapped)
CommandPort          - 0x00000000 (not mapped)
DeviceList           - 0xe000000085007b50
CardList             - 0x00000000
PhysicalBusDevice    - 0x00000000
AttachedDevice       - 0x00000000
SystemPowerState     - Unspecified
DevicePowerState     - Unspecified

Here is an example for a PCI device:

kd> !devext e0000000858c31b0 PCI
PDO Extension, Bus 0x0, Device 0, Function 0.
  DevObj 0xe0000000858c3060 PCI Parent Bus FDO DevExt 0xe0000000858c4960
  Device State = PciNotStarted
  Vendor ID 8086 (INTEL)  Device ID 123D
  Class Base/Sub 08/00  (Base System Device/Interrupt Controller)
  Programming Interface: 20, Revision: 01, IntPin: 00, Line Raw/Adj 00/00
  Enables ((cmd & 7) = 106): BM   Capabilities Pointer = <none>
  CurrentState:          System Working,  Device D0
  WakeLevel:             System Unspecified,  Device Unspecified
  Requirements: <none>