


Returns the PDATA data block associated with the virtual address.


HRESULT pdataForVA( 
   DWORD      cbData,
   DWORD*     pcbData,
   BYTE*      pbData


[in] va

Specifies the virtual address of the data to obtain.

[in] cbData

The size of data in bytes to obtain.

[out] pcbData

Returns the actual size of data in bytes that was obtained.

[in, out] pbData

A buffer that is filled in with the requested data. Can't be NULL.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK. Returns S_FALSE if there's no PDATA for the specified address. Otherwise, return an error code.


The .pdata section of a compiland contains information about exception handling for functions. It appears in the PE Format as the "Exception Table" within the "Optional Header Data Directories."

The caller knows how much data is to be returned so the caller has no need to ask for how much data is available. Therefore, it's acceptable for an implementation of this method to return an error if the pbData parameter is NULL.

See also