


Enumerates the named streams contained in the data source.


IDiaEnumNamedStreams : IUnknown

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods of IDiaEnumNamedStreams.

Method Description
IDiaEnumNamedStreams::get__NewEnum Retrieves the IEnumVARIANT Interface version of this enumerator.
IDiaEnumNamedStreams::get_Count Retrieves the number of named streams.
IDiaEnumNamedStreams::Next Retrieves the next named stream in the enumeration sequence.
IDiaEnumNamedStreams::Skip Advances a specified number of names in the enumeration sequence.
IDiaEnumNamedStreams::Reset Resets this enumeration sequence to the beginning.
IDiaEnumNamedStreams::Clone Creates a new enumerator that contains the same enumeration state as the current enumerator.


These named streams are an implementation detail of the PDB file format. They often contain information that can more appropriately be enumerated with a better enumeration, such as IDiaEnumTables, IDiaEnumInjectedSources, IDiaEnumSourceLink, IDiaEnumSourceLink2, or even IDiaEnumDebugStreams. Where possible the other enumerators should be used.

Notes for Callers

Obtain this interface by calling the IDiaDataSourceEx2::findNamedStreams method.


See IDiaDataSourceEx2::findNamedStreams for an example of how to obtain an IDiaEnumNamedStreams interface and enumerate all of the named streams.


Header: Dia2.h

Library: diaguids.lib

DLL: msdia140.dll

See also