


Opens and prepares the debug data associated with the .exe/.dll file.


HRESULT loadDataFromCodeViewInfo (
   LPCOLESTR executable,
   LPCOLESTR searchPath,
   DWORD     cbCvInfo,
   BYTE*     pbCvInfo,
   IUnknown* pCallback



[in] Path to the .exe or .dll file.


[in] Alternate paths to search for debug data. Multiple paths should be semicolon delimited. Paths may contain a trailing \.


[in] The size in bytes of the pbCvInfo paramter.


[in] The alternative debug header code view information (to replace what is normal read from the executable's IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY). Only RSDS or NB10 headers are supported.


[in] An IUnknown interface for an object that supports a debug callback interface, such as the IDiaLoadCallback, IDiaLoadCallback2, the IDiaReadExeAtOffsetCallback, and/or the `IDiaReadExeAtRVACallback interfaces.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code. The following table shows some of the possible error codes for this method.

Value Description
E_PDB_NOT_FOUND Failed to open the file, or the file has an invalid format.
E_PDB_FORMAT Attempted to access a file with an unsupported format.
E_PDB_INVALID_SIG Signature does not match.
E_PDB_INVALID_AGE Age does not match.
E_INVALIDARG Invalid parameter.
E_UNEXPECTED Data source has already been prepared.


The code view information, in IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW format, names the associated debug data location as well as prodiving the signture and age fields to match against.

If you are loading debug data from a symbol server, symsrv.dll must be present in the same directory where either the user's application or msdia140.dll is installed, or it must be present in the system directory.

This method reads the provided debug header and then searches for and prepares the debug data. The progress of the search may, optionally, be reported and controlled through callbacks. For example, the IDiaLoadCallback::NotifyDebugDir is invoked when the IDiaDataSource::loadDataForExe method finds and processes a debug directory.

The IDiaReadExeAtOffsetCallback and IDiaReadExeAtRVACallback interfaces allow the client application to provide alternative methods for reading data from the executable file when the file cannot be accessed directly through standard file I/O.

To load a .pdb file without validation, use the IDiaDataSource::loadDataFromPdb method.

To validate the .pdb file against specific criteria, use the IDiaDataSource::loadAndValidateDataFromPdb method.

To load a .pdb file directly from memory, use the IDiaDataSource::loadDataFromIStream method.

To validate a .pdb file without loading it, use the IDiaDataSourceEx::ValidatePdb` method.


BYTE pbCodeViewInfo[] = {

HRESULT hr = pSource->loadDataFromCodeViewInfo( L"myprog.exe", L".\debug", sizeof(pbCodeViewInfo), pbCodeViewInfo, nullptr);
if (FAILED(hr))
    // Report error

See also