

Missing fiscal calendar for GL: Error code: ERR00001 [Type: Error]


Error code ERR00001 is logged in the Bpa self help logs table in Microsoft Dataverse when the accounting dates in the General journal entries table in Dynamics 365 Finance aren't aligned with the corresponding fiscal calendar in the ledger. This misalignment causes transactions in generalledgerfact to be linked to an accounting date key of -1. Therefore, it affects the accuracy of your reports.


To solve this error, include calendar years or periods from the minAccountingDate value through the maxAccountingDate value for the relevant fiscal calendars. You can find the fiscal calendar, the minAccountingDate value, and the maxAccountingDate value in the LogDetails column of the Bpa self help logs table.

Here's an example of a record:

1 records in GeneralJournalEntry have AccountingDate outside of the Fiscal Calendar - [Row(a67d3eda-1b93-48dd-b561-a87120983889_mserp_calendarid='Fiscal', fiscalCalendarStartDate='2014-01-01 00:00:00', fiscalCalendarEndDate='2025-12-31 00:00:00', 76f242a5-15cf-416c-89ef-3c1590107d7d_mserp_name='USMF', minAccountingDate='2026-01-15 00:00:00', maxAccountingDate='2026-02-15 00:00:00')]

Follow these steps in Dynamics 365 Finance to add a new fiscal year.

  1. Go to General ledger > Calendars > Fiscal calendar.
  2. In the dropdown list, select the relevant calendar.
  3. Select New year to create a new fiscal year.


You can't add a new year in the past. You can add only future years. If transactions were posted in a year before the calendar's start year, you can't create a new year in the existing fiscal calendar.

After you fix this issue, the transactions will be mapped to the appropriate accounting date key.

See also

Business performance analytics self-help