

Entity dataframe counts differ between prejoin and postjoin: Error code: ERR00009 [Type: Warning]


In the business performance analytics dimensional data model, the number of rows in any fact or dimension should match the number of rows in the Dynamics 365 Finance driving table. To ensure this, Business performance analytics internally performs multiple checks when joining multiple tables during transformation. In any of these joins, if the count of rows in the output is different from the source table, error code ERR00009 is logged in the Bpa self help logs table in Microsoft Dataverse.


No immediate action is required because this issue might be caused by data synchronization delays. We recommend observing the next two to three Business performance analytics runs to see if the error resolves itself.

If the issue persists and the error is still in the Bpa self help logs table, contact Microsoft Support for further assistance.

Here's an example of a record:

BPA_COUNT_CHECKVIOLATION. There is a mismatch in the row count of tables used to generate the General Ledger Account Dim dimensional table.
Details: mserp_ledgertransvoucherlinkbientity join violated count check.
Prejoin count – 40550, Postjoin count - 40450

See also

Business performance analytics self-help