

Decimal limit exceeded: Error code: ERR00011 [Type: Warning]


Error code ERR00011 is logged in the Bpa self help logs table in Microsoft Dataverse. This issue occurs when the entries in certain decimal data type columns in the dimensional model exceed the maximum (922337203685477.5807) and minimum (-922337203685477.5807) values supported by decimal (19, 4). This is the decimal precision and scale required by Power BI. For more information, see Data types used in tabular models.


No immediate action is needed. This warning highlights data in source tables that don't fit in the Power BI Decimal fields. Business performance analytics attempts to automatically round the value for such fields and might result in rounded values appearing in the output.

Here's an example of a record:

This warning is written if the GeneralLedgerAmount turns out to be 922337203685478 in the General Ledger Fact in the output dimensional model. In such cases, the GeneralLedgerAmount will be set to the maximum value for DECIMAL(19,4) = 922337203685477.5807.

See also

Business performance analytics self-help