

How to enable an instant message notification channel

To configure alert notifications for System Center - Operations Manager, your first task is to enable a notification channel. This article describes how to configure a channel that will send alert notifications to subscribers by using an instant message.

Before you begin, gather the following information from your instant message server:

  • Fully qualified domain name (FQDN).

  • Protocol used to send messages. You have two choices: TCP or Transport Layer Security (TLS).

  • Port used for instant messages. The default is 5061.

  • Encoding used by the instant message server and notification subscribers. The default is UTF-8.

  • Return address to be used for the instant messages.

To enable an instant message notification channel

  1. Sign in to the computer with a user account that's a member of the Operations Manager Administrators role.

  2. In the Operations console, select Administration.

  3. In the navigation pane, under Notifications, right-click Channels. Select New channel, and select Instant Message (IM).

  4. Enter a name for the channel, such as IM channel, and optionally provide a description. Select Next.

  5. In the IM server box, enter the FQDN of an instant messaging server.

  6. Enter the Return Address that should appear on instant message notifications. Preface the address with sip:. In the Protocol option list, select either TCP or TLS as the protocol used to send the instant messages. In the Authentication method list, select either NTLM or Kerberos as the authentication method for users. In the IM port box, the default instant messaging port of 5060 is entered. Enter the port number used to send instant messages.


    The return address should be a dedicated address that's used only for Operations Manager notifications.

  7. Select Next.

  8. In the Default instant messaging notification format area, in the IM message box, specify the text that is sent to notification subscribers. The IM message box contains a default message that includes text and variables. You can edit the default message or delete it and replace it with another message. You can select the right arrow next to the IM message box for a full list of available variables. For more information, see How to customize message content for notifications.

  9. In the Encoding box, select the text format that your IM server and notification subscribers use for transmission. By default, Unicode (UTF-8) is used.

  10. Select Finish, and select Close.

Next steps