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* SQL Server *  


SQL Server and SQL Managed Instance

Creates a resource governor workload group and associates the workload group with a resource governor resource pool.

Resource governor isn't available in every edition of SQL Server. For a list of features that are supported by the editions of SQL Server, see Editions and supported features of SQL Server 2022.


To modify resource governor configuration in Azure SQL Managed Instance, you must be in the context of the master database on the primary replica.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions.


    ( [ IMPORTANCE = { LOW | MEDIUM | HIGH } ]
      [ [ , ] REQUEST_MAX_MEMORY_GRANT_PERCENT = value ]
      [ [ , ] REQUEST_MAX_CPU_TIME_SEC = value ]
      [ [ , ] REQUEST_MEMORY_GRANT_TIMEOUT_SEC = value ]
      [ [ , ] MAX_DOP = value ]
      [ [ , ] GROUP_MAX_REQUESTS = value ] )
    [ pool_name | [default] ]
    [ [ , ] EXTERNAL external_pool_name | [default] ]
    } ]
[ ; ]



The user-defined name for the workload group. group_name is alphanumeric, can be up to 128 characters, must be unique within an instance of the Database Engine, and must comply with the rules for Database identifiers.


Specifies the relative importance of a request in the workload group. The default value is MEDIUM.

IMPORTANCE is local to the resource pool that contains the workload group. Workload groups of different importance inside the same resource pool affect each other, but don't affect workload groups in other resource pools.


Specifies the maximum amount of query workspace memory that a single request can take from the pool. value is a percentage of the resource pool size defined by MAX_MEMORY_PERCENT. Default value is 25.

In SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and older, value is an integer and the allowed range is from 1 through 100.

Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x), the value can be fractional using the float data type. The allowed range is from 0 through 100.


The amount specified only refers to query workspace memory obtained via query memory grants.

It is not recommended to set value too large (for example, greater than 70) because the server may be unable to set aside enough free memory for other concurrent queries. This can lead to a memory grant time out error 8645.

Setting value to 0 or a small value might prevent queries with operators that require workspace memory, such as sort and hash, from running in user-defined workload groups. If the query memory requirements exceed the limit defined by this parameter, the following behavior occurs:

  • For user-defined workload groups, the server tries to reduce the degree of parallelism (DOP) of the request (query) until the memory requirement falls under the limit, or until DOP equals 1. If the query memory requirement is still greater than the limit, error 8657 occurs and the query fails.
  • For the internal and default workload groups, the server permits the query to obtain the required memory.

In either case, error 8645 might occur if the server has insufficient physical memory.


Specifies the maximum amount of CPU time, in seconds, that a batch request can use. value must be 0 or a positive integer. The default setting for value is 0, which means unlimited.

When the maximum CPU time is exceeded, the cpu_threshold_exceeded extended event and a trace event are generated. For more information, see CPU Threshold Exceeded Event Class.

In Azure SQL Managed Instance, when the maximum CPU time is exceeded, resource governor aborts the request with error 10961.

In SQL Server, resource governor doesn't abort the request by default. However, starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP2 and SQL Server 2017 (14.x) CU3, resource governor aborts a request with error 10961 when trace flag 2422 is enabled and the maximum CPU time is exceeded.


The detection interval for CPU time usage is five seconds. An event is generated if a query exceeds the specified limit by at least five seconds. However, if a query exceeds the specified threshold by less than five seconds, its detection might be missed depending on the timing of the query and the time of last detection sweep.


Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that a query can wait for a memory grant from the query workspace memory to become available. value must be 0 or a positive integer. The default setting for value, 0, uses an internal calculation based on query cost to determine the maximum time.

A query doesn't always fail when a memory grant time out is reached. A query only fails if there are too many concurrent queries running. Otherwise, the query might only get the minimum memory grant, resulting in reduced query performance.

MAX_DOP = value

Specifies the maximum degree of parallelism (MAXDOP) for parallel query execution. The allowed range for value is from 0 through 64. The default setting for value, 0, uses the global setting.

For more information, see MAXDOP.


Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous requests that are allowed to execute in the workload group. value must be 0 or a positive integer. The default setting for value is 0, and allows unlimited requests. When the maximum concurrent requests are reached, a session in that group can be created, but is placed in a wait state until the number of concurrent requests drops below the value specified.

USING { pool_name | [default] }

Associates the workload group with the user-defined resource pool identified by pool_name, or with the default resource pool. If pool_name isn't provided, or if the USING argument isn't specified, the workload group is associated with the built-in default pool.

default is a reserved word and when specified in USING, must be enclosed in brackets ([]) or quotation marks ("").

Built-in resource pools and workload groups use all lowercase names, such as default. Use the lower case default on servers that use a case-sensitive collation. Servers with case-insensitive collation treat default, Default, and DEFAULT as the same value.

EXTERNAL external_pool_name | [default]

Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later.

Workload group can specify an external resource pool. You can define a workload group and associate it with two pools:

  • A resource pool for the Database Engine workloads.
  • An external resource pool for external processes. For more information, see sp_execute_external_script.


For more information, see Resource governor and Resource governor workload group.


For a given query, effective MAXDOP is determined as follows:

  • MAXDOP as a query hint is honored as long as it doesn't exceed the workload group MAX_DOP setting.
  • MAXDOP as a query hint always overrides the max degree of parallelism server configuration. For more information, see Server configuration: max degree of parallelism.
  • Workload group MAX_DOP overrides the max degree of parallelism server configuration and the MAXDOP database scoped configuration.

The MAXDOP limit is set per task. It isn't a per request or per query limit. During an execution of a parallel query, a single request can spawn multiple tasks that are assigned to a scheduler. For more information, see the Thread and task architecture guide.

When a query is marked as serial at compile time (MAXDOP = 1), it can't execute with parallelism at run time regardless of the workload group or server configuration setting. After MAXDOP is determined for a query, it can only be lowered due to memory pressure. Workload group reconfiguration does not affect queries waiting in the memory grant queue.

Index creation

For performance reasons, index creation is allowed to use more memory workspace than initially granted. Resource governor supports this special handling. However, the initial grant and any additional memory grants are limited by the workload group and resource pool settings.

The memory consumed to create a nonaligned index on a partitioned table is proportional to the number of partitions involved. If the total required memory exceeds the per-query limit enforced by the REQUEST_MAX_MEMORY_GRANT_PERCENT workload group setting, index creation might fail. Because the default workload group allows a query to exceed the per-query limit with the minimum required memory to start for backward compatibility, you might be able to create the same index using the default workload group if the default resource pool has enough total memory.


Requires the CONTROL SERVER permission.


Creates a workload group named newReports in the default resource pool, and limits the maximum memory grant, the maximum CPU time for a request, and MAXDOP.

     MAX_DOP = 4
USING [default];

* SQL Managed Instance *  


SQL Server and SQL Managed Instance

Creates a resource governor workload group and associates the workload group with a resource governor resource pool.

Resource governor isn't available in every edition of SQL Server. For a list of features that are supported by the editions of SQL Server, see Editions and supported features of SQL Server 2022.


To modify resource governor configuration in Azure SQL Managed Instance, you must be in the context of the master database on the primary replica.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions.


    ( [ IMPORTANCE = { LOW | MEDIUM | HIGH } ]
      [ [ , ] REQUEST_MAX_MEMORY_GRANT_PERCENT = value ]
      [ [ , ] REQUEST_MAX_CPU_TIME_SEC = value ]
      [ [ , ] REQUEST_MEMORY_GRANT_TIMEOUT_SEC = value ]
      [ [ , ] MAX_DOP = value ]
      [ [ , ] GROUP_MAX_REQUESTS = value ] )
    [ pool_name | [default] ]
    [ [ , ] EXTERNAL external_pool_name | [default] ]
    } ]
[ ; ]



The user-defined name for the workload group. group_name is alphanumeric, can be up to 128 characters, must be unique within an instance of the Database Engine, and must comply with the rules for Database identifiers.


Specifies the relative importance of a request in the workload group. The default value is MEDIUM.

IMPORTANCE is local to the resource pool that contains the workload group. Workload groups of different importance inside the same resource pool affect each other, but don't affect workload groups in other resource pools.


Specifies the maximum amount of query workspace memory that a single request can take from the pool. value is a percentage of the resource pool size defined by MAX_MEMORY_PERCENT. Default value is 25.

In SQL Server 2017 (14.x) and older, value is an integer and the allowed range is from 1 through 100.

Starting with SQL Server 2019 (15.x), the value can be fractional using the float data type. The allowed range is from 0 through 100.


The amount specified only refers to query workspace memory obtained via query memory grants.

It is not recommended to set value too large (for example, greater than 70) because the server may be unable to set aside enough free memory for other concurrent queries. This can lead to a memory grant time out error 8645.

Setting value to 0 or a small value might prevent queries with operators that require workspace memory, such as sort and hash, from running in user-defined workload groups. If the query memory requirements exceed the limit defined by this parameter, the following behavior occurs:

  • For user-defined workload groups, the server tries to reduce the degree of parallelism (DOP) of the request (query) until the memory requirement falls under the limit, or until DOP equals 1. If the query memory requirement is still greater than the limit, error 8657 occurs and the query fails.
  • For the internal and default workload groups, the server permits the query to obtain the required memory.

In either case, error 8645 might occur if the server has insufficient physical memory.


Specifies the maximum amount of CPU time, in seconds, that a batch request can use. value must be 0 or a positive integer. The default setting for value is 0, which means unlimited.

When the maximum CPU time is exceeded, the cpu_threshold_exceeded extended event and a trace event are generated. For more information, see CPU Threshold Exceeded Event Class.

In Azure SQL Managed Instance, when the maximum CPU time is exceeded, resource governor aborts the request with error 10961.

In SQL Server, resource governor doesn't abort the request by default. However, starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP2 and SQL Server 2017 (14.x) CU3, resource governor aborts a request with error 10961 when trace flag 2422 is enabled and the maximum CPU time is exceeded.


The detection interval for CPU time usage is five seconds. An event is generated if a query exceeds the specified limit by at least five seconds. However, if a query exceeds the specified threshold by less than five seconds, its detection might be missed depending on the timing of the query and the time of last detection sweep.


Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that a query can wait for a memory grant from the query workspace memory to become available. value must be 0 or a positive integer. The default setting for value, 0, uses an internal calculation based on query cost to determine the maximum time.

A query doesn't always fail when a memory grant time out is reached. A query only fails if there are too many concurrent queries running. Otherwise, the query might only get the minimum memory grant, resulting in reduced query performance.

MAX_DOP = value

Specifies the maximum degree of parallelism (MAXDOP) for parallel query execution. The allowed range for value is from 0 through 64. The default setting for value, 0, uses the global setting.

For more information, see MAXDOP.


Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous requests that are allowed to execute in the workload group. value must be 0 or a positive integer. The default setting for value is 0, and allows unlimited requests. When the maximum concurrent requests are reached, a session in that group can be created, but is placed in a wait state until the number of concurrent requests drops below the value specified.

USING { pool_name | [default] }

Associates the workload group with the user-defined resource pool identified by pool_name, or with the default resource pool. If pool_name isn't provided, or if the USING argument isn't specified, the workload group is associated with the built-in default pool.

default is a reserved word and when specified in USING, must be enclosed in brackets ([]) or quotation marks ("").

Built-in resource pools and workload groups use all lowercase names, such as default. Use the lower case default on servers that use a case-sensitive collation. Servers with case-insensitive collation treat default, Default, and DEFAULT as the same value.

EXTERNAL external_pool_name | [default]

Applies to: SQL Server 2016 (13.x) and later.

Workload group can specify an external resource pool. You can define a workload group and associate it with two pools:

  • A resource pool for the Database Engine workloads.
  • An external resource pool for external processes. For more information, see sp_execute_external_script.


For more information, see Resource governor and Resource governor workload group.


For a given query, effective MAXDOP is determined as follows:

  • MAXDOP as a query hint is honored as long as it doesn't exceed the workload group MAX_DOP setting.
  • MAXDOP as a query hint always overrides the max degree of parallelism server configuration. For more information, see Server configuration: max degree of parallelism.
  • Workload group MAX_DOP overrides the max degree of parallelism server configuration and the MAXDOP database scoped configuration.

The MAXDOP limit is set per task. It isn't a per request or per query limit. During an execution of a parallel query, a single request can spawn multiple tasks that are assigned to a scheduler. For more information, see the Thread and task architecture guide.

When a query is marked as serial at compile time (MAXDOP = 1), it can't execute with parallelism at run time regardless of the workload group or server configuration setting. After MAXDOP is determined for a query, it can only be lowered due to memory pressure. Workload group reconfiguration does not affect queries waiting in the memory grant queue.

Index creation

For performance reasons, index creation is allowed to use more memory workspace than initially granted. Resource governor supports this special handling. However, the initial grant and any additional memory grants are limited by the workload group and resource pool settings.

The memory consumed to create a nonaligned index on a partitioned table is proportional to the number of partitions involved. If the total required memory exceeds the per-query limit enforced by the REQUEST_MAX_MEMORY_GRANT_PERCENT workload group setting, index creation might fail. Because the default workload group allows a query to exceed the per-query limit with the minimum required memory to start for backward compatibility, you might be able to create the same index using the default workload group if the default resource pool has enough total memory.


Requires the CONTROL SERVER permission.


Creates a workload group named newReports in the default resource pool, and limits the maximum memory grant, the maximum CPU time for a request, and MAXDOP.

     MAX_DOP = 4
USING [default];

* Azure Synapse
Analytics *


Azure Synapse Analytics

Creates a workload group. Workload groups are containers for a set of requests and are the basis for how workload management is configured on a system. Workload groups provide the ability to reserve resources for workload isolation, contain resources, define resources per request, and adhere to execution rules. Once the statement completes, the settings are in effect.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions

  [ [ , ] QUERY_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT_SEC = value ] )
  [ ; ]

Specifies the name by which the workload group is identified. group_name is a sysname. It can be up to 128 characters long and must be unique within the instance.

Specifies a guaranteed minimum resource allocation for this workload group that is not shared with other workload groups. Memory is the only resource governed by this parameter. value is an integer range from 0 to 100. The sum of min_percentage_resource across all workload groups cannot exceed 100. The value for min_percentage_resource cannot be greater than cap_percentage_resource. There are minimum effective values allowed per service level. See Effective Values for more details.

Specifies the maximum resource utilization for all requests in a workload group. Both CPU and memory resources are capped by this parameter. The allowed integer range for value is 1 through 100. The value for cap_percentage_resource must be greater than min_percentage_resource. The effective value for cap_percentage_resource can be reduced if min_percentage_resource is configured greater than zero in other workload groups.

Sets the minimum amount of resources allocated per request. Memory is the only resource governed by this parameter. value is a required parameter with a decimal range between 0.75 to 100.00. The value for request_min_resource_grant_percent must be a multiple of 0.25, must be a factor of min_percentage_resource, and be less than cap_percentage_resource. There are minimum effective values allowed per service level. See Effective Values for more details.

For example:

  ( MIN_PERCENTAGE_RESOURCE = 26                -- integer value
    , REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT = 3.25 -- factor of 26 (guaranteed a minimum of 8 concurrency)

Consider the values that are used for resource classes as a guideline for request_min_resource_grant_percent. The table below contains resource allocations for Gen2.

Resource Class Percent of Resources
Smallrc 3%
Mediumrc 10%
Largerc 22%
Xlargerc 70%


Sets the maximum amount of resources allocated per request. Memory is the only resource governed by this parameter. value is an optional decimal parameter with a default value equal to the request_min_resource_grant_percent. value must be greater than or equal to request_min_resource_grant_percent. When the value of request_max_resource_grant_percent is greater than request_min_resource_grant_percent and system resources are available, additional resources are allocated to a request.


Specifies the default importance of a request for the workload group. Importance is one of the following, with NORMAL being the default:

  • LOW
  • NORMAL (default)
  • HIGH

Importance set at the workload group is a default importance for all requests in the workload group. A user can also set importance at the classifier level, which can override the workload group importance setting. This allows for differentiation of importance for requests within a workload group to get access to non-reserved resources quicker. When the sum of min_percentage_resource across workload groups is less than 100, there are non-reserved resources that are assigned on a basis of importance.


Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that a query can execute before it is canceled. value must be 0 or a positive integer. The default setting for value is 0, which the query never times out. QUERY_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT_SEC counts once the query is in running state, not when the query is queued.


Workload groups corresponding to resource classes are created automatically for backward compatibility. These system defined workload groups cannot be dropped. An additional 8 user defined workload groups can be created.

If a workload group is created with min_percentage_resource greater than zero, the CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP statement will queue until there are enough resources to create the workload group.

Effective Values

The parameters min_percentage_resource, cap_percentage_resource, request_min_resource_grant_percent and request_max_resource_grant_percent have effective values that are adjusted in the context of the current service level and the configuration of other workload groups.

The request_min_resource_grant_percent parameter has an effective value because there are minimum resources needed per query depending on the service level. For example, at the lowest service level, DW100c, a minimum 25% resources per request is needed. If the workload group is configured with 3% request_min_resource_grant_percent and request_max_resource_grant_percent, the effective values for both parameters adjusts to 25% when the instance is started. If the instance is scaled up to DW1000c the configured and effective values for both parameters is 3% because 3% is the minimum supported value at that service level. If the instance is scaled higher than DW1000c, the configured and effective values for both parameters will stay at 3%. See the below table for further details on effective values at the different service levels.

Service Level Lowest effective value for REQUEST_MIN_RESOURCE_GRANT_PERCENT Maximum concurrent queries
DW100c 25% 4
DW200c 12.5% 8
DW300c 8% 12
DW400c 6.25% 16
DW500c 5% 20
DW1000c 3% 32
DW1500c 3% 32
DW2000c 2% 48
DW2500c 2% 48
DW3000c 1.5% 64
DW5000c 1.5% 64
DW6000c 0.75% 128
DW7500c 0.75% 128
DW10000c 0.75% 128
DW15000c 0.75% 128
DW30000c 0.75% 128

The min_percentage_resource parameter must be greater than or equal to the effective request_min_resource_grant_percent. A workload group with min_percentage_resource configured less than effective min_percentage_resource has the value adjusted to zero at run time. When this happens, the resources configured for min_percentage_resource are sharable across all workload groups. For example, the workload group wgAdHoc with a min_percentage_resource of 10% running at DW1000c would have an effective min_percentage_resource of 10% (3% is the minimum supported value at DW1000c). wgAdhoc at DW100c would have an effective min_percentage_resource of 0%. The 10% configured for wgAdhoc would be shared across all workload groups.

The cap_percentage_resource parameter also has an effective value. If a workload group wgAdhoc is configured with a cap_percentage_resource of 100% and another workload group wgDashboards is created with 25% min_percentage_resource, the effective cap_percentage_resource for wgAdhoc becomes 75%.

The easiest way to understand the run-time values for your workload groups is to query the system view sys.dm_workload_management_workload_groups_stats.


Requires CONTROL DATABASE permission

See also