Connecting to Sybase (SybaseToSQL)
Use the Connect to Sybase dialog box to connect to the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) instance that you want to migrate.
To access this dialog box, on the File menu, select Connect to Sybase. If you have previously connected, the command is Reconnect to Sybase.
Select any of the installed providers on the machine for connecting to the Sybase Server.
Select either standard or advanced connection mode. In standard mode, you enter or select values for the server name, port, user name, and password. In advanced mode, you provide a connection string.
Server name
Enter or select the name or IP address of the Adaptive Server. The default server name is the same as the computer name. This is a standard mode option.
Server port
If you use a non-default port for connections to ASE, enter the port number. The default port number is 5000. This is a standard mode option.
User name
Enter the user name that is used to connect to ASE. This is a standard mode option.
Enter the password for the user name. This is a standard mode option.
Connection string
Enter the full connection string for the connection to ASE.
Connection strings consist of parameter name and value pairs. The names of the parameters vary with the provider being used.
Connection parameters for various providers are as follows:
Connection parameters for OLE DB Provider
Setting Sybase 12.5 Parameter Sybase 15 Parameter Server name Server Name Server Port Server Port Address Port User name User ID User ID Password Password Password Provider Provider Provider For Sybase ASE 12.5, an example connection string is as follows. Replace
with a valid password.Server Name=sybserver;User ID=MyUserID;Password=<password>;Provider=Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider;
For Sybase ASE 15, an example connection string is as follows:
Server=sybserver;User ID=MyUserID;Password=<password>;Provider=ASEOLEDB;Port=5000;
Connection parameters for ODBC Provider
Setting Sybase 12.5/15 Parameter Driver Name driver Server Name Server User Name Uid Password Pwd Port Number Port For Sybase ASE 12.5 or 15, an example connection string is as follows. Replace
with a valid password.driver=Adaptive Server Enterprise;Server=sybserver;uid=MyUserID;pwd=<password>;Port=5000;
Connection parameters for ADO.NET Provider
Setting Sybase 12.5/15 Parameter Server Name Server User Name Uid Password Pwd Port Number Port An example of the Connection string for ADO.NET Provider is as follows. Replace
with a valid password.Server=sybserver;Port=5000;uid=MyUserID;pwd=<password>;
For more information, see the ASE documentation.
This is an advanced mode option.
Next steps
- The next step in the migration process is to Connect to SQL Server.