

Appendix 1: Console command line options (Db2ToSQL)

Quick view of the SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) Console command line options:

Slot number Switch Required Switch argument Permitted values
1 -s|script Yes scriptfile Valid XML file name.

Console Script definition file.
2 -v|variable No variablevaluefile Valid XML file name.

If variables are used in script file, then this file must be specified.
3 -c|serverconnection No serverconnectionfile Valid XML file name.

This file contains server connection information.
4 -x|xmloutput No xmloutputfile This option indicates console output in the XML format. If this option isn't specified, the default output is in TEXT format.

If xmloutputfile isn't specified, XML output is directed to STDOUT.

Xmloutputfile is the name of the file to which the console output is written in the XML format.
5 -l|log No logfile Valid file name.
6 -e|projectenvironment No projectenvironmentfolder Valid folder name containing SSMA project environment files.
7 -p|securepassword No -a|add { <server_id> [ , ...n ] |all } -c|serverconnection <server-connection-file> [ -v|variable <variable-value-file> ] [ -o|overwrite ]


-a|add { <server_id> [ ,...n ] |all } -s|script <script-file> [ -v|variable <variable-value-file> ] [ -o|overwrite ]

-r|remove { <server_id> [ , ...n ] | all } <br /><br />-l|list

-e|export { <server-id> [ , ...n ] | all } <encrypted-password-file>

-i|import { <server-id> [ , ...n ] | all } <encrypted-password-file>
If specified, this option must not be combined with any other options.

server-id: A unique ID provided for a server { string }

server-connection-file: server definition file (serverconnectionfile or scriptfile).

variable-value-file: A variable definition file used in server-connection-file.

encrypted-password-file: A server password file encrypted using a user-specified passphrase.
8 -? No Not applicable Not applicable