

SQL projects properties

Applies to: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance SQL database in Microsoft Fabric

In addition to the contents of the individual .sql files, SQL database projects contain properties that define the project's behavior and database-level settings. These properties are stored in the .sqlproj file and can be set by editing the .sqlproj file directly. Some SQL projects tools, such as Visual Studio and VS Code, provide access to edit a few or many of the project properties in a graphical user interface. This article provides an overview of the properties that you can set for SQL database projects.

Commonly used SQL projects properties include:

Disable database options changes

During SQL project publish, changes to the database options are scripted based on the values defined in the project properties and default project values. To prevent the database options from being modified during publish, using a tool like SqlPackage CLI or Visual Studio, set the publish property to ScriptDatabaseOptions to false. This setting can also be incorporated in a publish profile.

Common project properties

The target platform property specifies the version of SQL Server that the project targets. The DSP property is used to set the target platform for the SQL project. More information on the target platform can be found in the target platform article.

Code analysis can dramatically improve the continuous integration and deployment process by catching potential issues early in the development lifecycle. Learn more about enabling code analysis and including custom rules in the SQL code analysis article.

Data-tier application properties

The following properties are used to define the data-tier application (DAC) that is created when the SQL project is built.

  • DacApplicationName: The name of the data-tier application .dacpac. The default value is the project name.
  • DacDescription: An optional description of the data-tier application .dacpac.
  • DacVersion: The version of the data-tier application .dacpac. The default value is

Default schema

The DefaultSchema property sets the default schema for the SQL project. This property applies to 1-part named objects. The default value is dbo.

T-SQL warnings

The SuppressTSqlWarnings and TreatTSqlWarningsAsErrors properties control how T-SQL warnings are handled during project build. The SuppressTSqlWarnings property suppresses T-SQL warnings during project build, specified as a comma-separated list of error numbers.

The TreatTSqlWarningsAsErrors property treats T-SQL warnings as errors, causing any T-SQL warnings to fail the build. The default value for TreatTSqlWarningsAsErrors is False.

Example usage of project properties

The following example shows how to set the CompatibilityMode, IsChangeTrackingOn, and TreatTSqlWarningsAsErrors properties in a SQL project file. The CompatibilityMode property is set to 130, the IsChangeTrackingOn property is set to True, and the TreatTSqlWarningsAsErrors property is set to True. The TreatSqlWarningsAsErrors property is only set to True on the Release build configuration.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build">
  <Sdk Name="Microsoft.Build.Sql" Version="1.0.0-rc1" />
    <ModelCollation>1033, CI</ModelCollation>
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Release'">

All project properties

Some project properties are associated with database options that apply to only SQL Server databases or specific versions of SQL Server. Before including a project property in your project, review the associated documentation for the database option to understand the behavior of the property and database requirements.

Property DATABASE SET option UI label SQL project default value Allowed values
AllowSnapshotIsolation ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION Database settings, Operational, Allow snapshot isolation False {True|False}
AnsiNulls ANSI_NULLS Database settings, SET ANSI_NULLS True {True|False}
AnsiPadding ANSI_PADDING Database settings, SET ANSI_PADDING True {True|False}
AnsiWarnings ANSI_WARNINGS Database settings, SET ANSI_WARNINGS True {True|False}
ArithAbort ARITHABORT Database settings, SET ARITHABORT True {True|False}
AutoClose AUTO_CLOSE Database settings, Operational, Auto close False {True|False}
AutoCreateStatistics AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS Database settings, Operational, Auto create statistics True {True|False}
AutoCreateStatisticsIncremental AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS (INCREMENTAL) Database settings, Operational, Auto create incremental False {True|False}
AutoShrink AUTO_SHRINK Database settings, Operational, Auto shrink False {True|False}
AutoUpdateStatistics AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS Database settings, Operational, Auto update statistics True {True|False}
AutoUpdateStatisticsAsynchronously AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS_ASYNC Database settings, Operational, Auto update statistics asynchronously False {True|False}
ChangeTrackingRetentionPeriod CHANGE_RETENTION Database settings, Operational, Change tracking retention period 2 {integer}
ChangeTrackingRetentionUnit CHANGE_RETENTION Database settings, Operational, Change tracking retention period MINUTES {DAYS|HOURS|MINUTES}
CloseCursorOnCommitEnabled CURSOR_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT Database settings, Operational, Close cursor on commit enabled False {True|False}
CompatibilityMode COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL Database settings, Compatibility level {100|110|120|130|140|150|160|170}1
ConcatNullYieldsNull CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL Database settings, SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL True {True|False}
Containment CONTAINMENT Database settings, Containment NONE {NONE|PARTIAL}
DacApplicationName Data-tier application (.dacpac) properties, name The project name {string}
DacDescription Data-tier application (.dacpac) properties, description {string}
DacVersion Data-tier application (.dacpac) properties, version {semantic version number}
DatabaseAccess db_user_access_option Database settings, Database access MULTI_USER {MULTI_USER|SINGLE_USER|RESTRICTED_USER}
DatabaseChaining DB_CHAINING Database settings, Database chaining False {True|False}
DatabaseDefaultFulltextLanguage DEFAULT_FULLTEXT_LANGUAGE Database settings, Default fulltext language 1033 {integer language id}
DatabaseDefaultLanguage DEFAULT_LANGUAGE Database settings, Default language 1033 {integer language id}
DatabaseState db_state_option Database settings, Database state ONLINE {ONLINE|OFFLINE}
DbScopedConfigLegacyCardinalityEstimation LEGACY_CARDINALITY_ESTIMATION2 Database scoped configuration, Legacy cardinality estimation Off {Off|On}
DbScopedConfigLegacyCardinalitySecondaryEstimation LEGACY_CARDINALITY_SECONDARY_ESTIMATION2 Database scoped configuration, Legacy cardinality estimation for secondary Primary {Primary|Off|On}
DbScopedConfigParameterSniffing PARAMETER_SNIFFING2 Database scoped configuration, Parameter sniffing On {On|Off}
DbScopedConfigParameterSniffingSecondary PARAMETER_SNIFFING_SECONDARY2 Database scoped configuration, Parameter sniffing for secondary Primary {Primary|Off|On}
DbScopedConfigOptimizerHotfixes OPTIMIZER_HOTFIXES2 Database scoped configuration, Query optimizer hotfixes Off {Off|On}
DbScopedConfigOptimizerHotfixesSecondary OPTIMIZER_HOTFIXES_SECONDARY2 Database scoped configuration, Query optimizer hotfixes for secondary Primary {Primary|Off|On}
DbScopedConfigMaxDOP MAXDOP2 Database scoped configuration, Max degrees of parallelism 0 {integer}
DbScopedConfigMaxDOPSecondary MAXDOP_SECONDARY2 Database scoped configuration, Max degrees of parallelism for secondary {integer}
DbScopedConfigDWCompatibilityLevel DW_COMPATIBILITY_LEVEL2 Database scoped configuration, DW compatibility level 0 {0|10|20|30|40|50|9000}3
DefaultCollation COLLATE4 Database settings, Database collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS See SQL Server collation name for valid values.
DefaultCursor CURSOR_DEFAULT Database settings, Operational, Default cursor Local {Global|Local}
DefaultFilegroup Database settings, Operational, Default filegroup PRIMARY {string}
DefaultFileStreamFilegroup Database settings, Operational, Default filestream filegroup {string}
DefaultSchema General project setting, default schema dbo {string}
DelayedDurability DELAYED_DURABILITY Database settings, Operational, Transactions delayed durability DISABLED {DISABLED|ALLOWED|FORCED}
DSP The target platform for the SQL project See target platform for valid values.
EnableFullTextSearch Database settings, Enable full text search True {True|False}
FileStreamDirectoryName FILESTREAM (DIRECTORY_NAME) Database settings, FILESTREAM directory name {string}
IsBrokerPriorityHonored HONOR_BROKER_PRIORITY Database settings, Broker priority honored False {True|False}
IsChangeTrackingAutoCleanupOn CHANGE_TRACKING Database settings, Operational, Change tracking auto cleanup True {True|False}
IsChangeTrackingOn CHANGE_TRACKING Database settings, Operational, Change tracking False {True|False}
IsEncryptionOn ENCRYPTION Database settings, Encryption enabled False {True|False}
IsLedgerOn LEDGER4 Database settings, Enable Ledger False {True|False}
IsNestedTriggersOn NESTED_TRIGGERS Database settings, Nested triggers enabled True {True|False}
IsTransformNoiseWordsOn TRANSFORM_NOISE_WORDS Database settings, Transform noise words False {True|False}
MemoryOptimizedElevateToSnapshot MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT Database settings, Operational, Memory optimized elevate to snapshot False {True|False}
ModelCollation Project settings, Collation 1033,CI {integer language id}, {CI|CS}
NonTransactedFileStreamAccess NON_TRANSACTED_ACCESS Database settings, FILESTREAM non-transacted access OFF {OFF|READ_ONLY|FULL}
NumericRoundAbort NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT Database settings, SET NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT False {True|False}
OutputPath Build settings, Output path bin\Debug and bin\Release {string}
PageVerify PAGE_VERIFY Database settings, Operational, Page verify NONE {NONE|TORN_PAGE_DETECTION|CHECKSUM}
Parameterization PARAMETERIZATION Database settings, Parameterization SIMPLE {SIMPLE|FORCED}
QueryStoreCaptureMode QUERY_STORE (QUERY_CAPTURE_MODE) Database settings, Operational, Query store capture mode ALL {OFF|ALL|AUTO}
QueryStoreDesiredState QUERY_STORE (OPERATION_MODE) Database settings, Operational, Query store operation mode OFF {OFF|READ_WRITE|READ_ONLY}
QueryStoreFlushInterval QUERY_STORE (DATA_FLUSH_INTERVAL_SECONDS) Database settings, Operational, Query store data flush interval (seconds) 900 {integer}
QueryStoreIntervalLength QUERY_STORE (INTERVAL_LENGTH_MINUTES) Database settings, Operational, Query store interval length (minutes) 60 {integer}
QueryStoreMaxPlansPerQuery QUERY_STORE (MAX_PLANS_PER_QUERY) Database settings, Operational, Query store max plans per query 200 {integer}
QueryStoreMaxStorageSize QUERY_STORE (MAX_STORAGE_SIZE_MB) Database settings, Operational, Query store max storage size (MB) 100 {integer}
QueryStoreStaleQueryThreshold QUERY_STORE (STALE_QUERY_THRESHOLD_DAYS) Database settings, Operational, Query store stale query threshold (days) 367 {integer}
QuotedIdentifier QUOTED_IDENTIFIER Database settings, SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER True {True|False}
ReadCommittedSnapshot READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT Database settings, Operational, Read committed snapshot False {True|False}
Recovery RECOVERY Database settings, Operational, Recovery FULL {FULL|SIMPLE|BULK_LOGGED}
RecursiveTriggersEnabled RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS Database settings, Recursive triggers enabled False {True|False}
ServiceBrokerOption SERVICE_BROKER Database settings, Service broker options DisableBroker {DisableBroker|EnableBroker|NewBroker|ErrorBrokerConversations}
SuppressTSqlWarnings Build settings, Suppress T-SQL warnings (comma-separated list of T-SQL warning codes) {string}
TargetRecoveryTimePeriod Database settings, Operational, target recovery time (seconds) Specifies the frequency of indirect checkpoints on a per-database basis. 60 {integer}
TargetRecoveryTimeUnit Database settings, Operational, target recorder time SECONDS {MINUTES|SECONDS}
TreatTSqlWarningsAsErrors Build settings, Treat T-SQL warnings as errors False {True|False}
Trustworthy TRUSTWORTHY Database settings, Trustworthy False {True|False}
TwoDigitYearCutoff TWO_DIGIT_YEAR_CUTOFF Database settings, Two digit year cutoff 2049 {integer}
UpdateOptions db_update_option Database settings, Update options READ_WRITE {READ_WRITE|READ_ONLY}
ValidateCasingOnIdentifiers General project setting, validate the casing of identifiers True {True|False}
  1. The default value differs based on engine edition and server settings.
  2. Database scoped configuration options.
  3. AUTO is set with the 0 value.
  4. Applies as a CREATE DATABASE option only.