

Report Server namespace management methods

The Report Server Management Web service contains methods that you can use to manage reports, folders, and resources in the report server database.

Method Action
CancelJob Cancels execution of a job.
CreateFolder Adds a folder to the report server database or SharePoint library.
CreateCatalogItem Adds a new item to a report server database or SharePoint library. This method applies to the Report, Model, Dataset, Component, Resource, and DataSource item types.
M:ReportService2010.ReportingService2010.CreateReportEditSession(System.String, System.String,System.Byte[],ReportService2010.Warning[]@) Creates a new report edit session.
DeleteItem Removes an item from the report server database or SharePoint library.
FindItems Returns the items in the report server database or SharePoint library that match the specified search criteria.
FireEvent Triggers an event based on the supplied parameters.
GetExtensionSettings Returns a list of settings for a given extension.
GetItemType Retrieves the type of an item in the report server database or SharePoint library, if the item exists.
GetProperties Returns the values of one or more properties on an item in the report server database or SharePoint library.
GetItemDefinition Retrieves the definition or content for an item. This method applies to the Report, Model, Dataset, Component, Resource, and DataSource item types.
GetItemReferences Returns a list of catalog item references associated with an item.
GetReportServerConfigInfo Returns information on the connected report server instance or all the report server instances in a scale-out deployment.
GetSystemProperties Returns one or more system properties.
ListChildren Gets a list of children of a specified folder.
ListDatabaseCredentialRetrievalOptions Returns a list of supported credential retrieval options.
ListEvents Returns a list of event extensions as they appear in the report server configuration file.
ListJobs Returns a list of jobs running on the report server.
ListExtensions Returns a list of extensions that are configured for a given extension type.
ListExtensionTypes Returns a list of supported extension types.
ListItemTypes Returns a list of supported catalog item types.
ListJobActions Returns a list of supported job actions.
ListJobStates Returns a list of supported job states.
ListJobTypes Returns a list of supported job types.
ListParents Retrieves parent items for the given item.
ListSecurityScopes Returns a list of supported security scopes.
Logoff Logs out the current user making Web service requests. This method only applies to native mode.
LogonUser Logs on a user and authenticates a user request to the Report Server Web service. This method only applies to native mode.
SetItemReferences Sets the catalog items associated with an item.
MoveItem Moves and/or renames an item.
SetProperties Sets one or more properties of an item.
SetItemDefinition Sets the definition or content for a specified item. This method applies to the Report, Model, Dataset, Component, Resource, and DataSource item types.
SetSystemProperties Sets one or more system properties in the report server or SharePoint farm.
ValidateExtensionSettings Validates Reporting Services extension settings.