

executeStoredProcedure: Execute a SQL Stored Procedure

executeStoredProcedure: Executes a stored procedure registered with the database


  executeStoredProcedure(sqlSP, ..., connectionString = NULL)



a valid StoredProcedure Object


Optional input and output parameters for the stored procedure. All of the parameters that do not have default queries or values assigned to them must be provided


A character string (must be provided if the StoredProcedure object was created without a connection string). This function requires using an ODBC driver which supports ODBC 3.8 functionality.


Boolean. Whether to print out the command used to execute the stored procedure


TRUE on success, FALSE on failure


This function relies that the ODBC driver used supports ODBC 3.8 features. Otherwise it will fail.


 ## Not run:

 # See ?StoredProcedure for creating the "cleandata" table.

 ############# Example 1 #############
 # Create a linear model and store in the "rdata" table.
 train <- function(in_df) {
   factorLevels <- c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday")
   in_df[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(in_df[,"DayOfWeek"], levels=factorLevels)
   # The model formula
   formula <- ArrDelay ~ CRSDepTime + DayOfWeek + CRSDepHour:DayOfWeek

   # Train the model
   mm <- rxLinMod(formula, data = in_df, transformFunc = NULL, transformVars = NULL)

   # Store the model into the database
   # rdata needs to be created beforehand
   conStr <- paste0("Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;",
   out.table = "rdata"
   # write the model to the table
   ds = RxOdbcData(table = out.table, connectionString = conStr)

   rxWriteObject(ds, "linmod.v1", mm, keyName = "key",
                 valueName = "value")

 conStr <- "Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
 # create  an InputData object for the input data frame in_df
 indata <- InputData("in_df",
                     defaultQuery = paste0("select top 10000 ArrDelay,CRSDepTime,",
                                           "DayOfWeek,CRSDepHour from cleanData"))
 # create the sql server stored procedure object
 trainSP1 <- StoredProcedure('train', "spTrain_df_to_df", indata,
                             dbName = "RevoTestDB",
                             connectionString = conStr,
                             filePath = ".")
 # spRegisterSp and executeStoredProcedure do not require a connection string since we
 # provided one when we created trainSP1
 executeStoredProcedure(trainSP1, verbose = TRUE)

 ############# Example 2 #############
 # score1 makes a batch prediction given clean data(indata),
 # model object(model_param), and the new name of the variable
 # that is being predicted
score1 <- function(in_df, model_param, predVarNameInParam) {
   factorLevels <- c("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday")
   in_df[,"DayOfWeek"] <- factor(in_df[,"DayOfWeek"], levels=factorLevels)
   mm <- rxReadObject(as.raw(model_param))
   # Predict
   result <- rxPredict(modelObject = mm,
                       data = in_df,
                       outData = NULL,
                       predVarNames = predVarNameInParam,
                       extraVarsToWrite = c("ArrDelay"),
                       writeModelVars = TRUE,
                       overwrite = TRUE)
   return(list(result = result, pvOutParam = mm$f.pvalue))

# create  an InputData object for the input data frame in_df
indata <- InputData(name = "in_df", defaultQuery = "SELECT top 10 * from cleanData")
# create InputParameter objects for model_param and predVarNameInParam
model <- InputParameter("model_param", "raw",
                       defaultQuery = paste("select top 1 value from rdata",
                                            "where [key] = 'linmod.v1'"))
predVarNameInParam <- InputParameter("predVarNameInParam", "character")
# create OutputData object for the data frame inside the return list
outData <- OutputData("result")
# create OutputParameter object for non data frame variable inside the return list
pvOutParam <- OutputParameter("pvOutParam", "numeric")
scoreSP1 <- StoredProcedure(score1, "spScore_df_param_df", indata, model, predVarNameInParam, outData, pvOutParam,
                           filePath = ".")
conStr <- "Driver={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};Server=.;Database=RevoTestDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
# connection string necessary for registrations and execution
# since we did not pass it to StoredProcedure
registerStoredProcedure(scoreSP1, conStr)
model <- executeStoredProcedure(scoreSP1, predVarNameInParam = "ArrDelayEstimate", connectionString = conStr, verbose = TRUE)
## End(Not run)