
Visual Basic Example of Data Shaping

' This application makes use of Microsoft Hierarchical FlexGrid  
' Control, which is named as MSHFLexGrid.  
Const SHAPER = "MSDataShape"  
Const DP = "SQLOLEDB"  
Const DS = "MySQLServer"  
Const DB = "Northwind"  
Private Sub Form_Load()  
End Sub  
Private Sub Form_Resize()  
    MSHFlexGrid.Top = 0  
    MSHFlexGrid.Left = 0  
    MSHFlexGrid.Width = Me.ScaleWidth  
    MSHFlexGrid.Height = Me.ScaleHeight  
End Sub  
Private Sub FirstExample()  
    Dim con As ADODB.Connection  
    Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset  
    Dim sCmd As String  
    Set con = New ADODB.Connection  
    Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset  
    con.ConnectionString = ConnectionString(SHAPER, DP, DS, DB)  
    sCmd = "SHAPE {SELECT CustomerID, ContactName FROM Customers} " _  
        & "APPEND ({SELECT OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID FROM Orders} " _  
        & "AS chapOrders " _  
        & "RELATE customerID TO customerID)"  
    rst.Open sCmd, con, adOpenStatic, 2  
    Set MSHFlexGrid.Recordset = rst  
    Set rst = Nothing  
    Set con = Nothing  
End Sub  
Private Function ConnectionString(pr As String, _  
                                  dpr As String, _  
                                  dsr As String, _  
                                  dbs As String)  
    Dim s As String  
    If pr = "" Then  
        s = "Provider=" & dpr & _  
          ";Data Source=" & dsr & _  
          ";Initial Catalog=" & dbs & _  
          ";Integrated Security=SSPI;"  
        s = "Provider=" & pr & _  
          ";Data Provider=" & dpr & _  
          ";Data Source=" & dsr & _  
          ";Initial Catalog=" & dbs & _  
          ";Integrated Security=SSPI;"  
    End If  
    ConnectionString = s  
End Function  

Try It!

  1. Create a Visual Basic Standard EXE application project

  2. Select Components from the Project menu in Visual Studio

  3. Select "Microsoft Hierarchical FlexGrid Control 6.0 (OLEDB)" from the Components popup window and then click Save.

  4. Double-click the FlexGrid Control from the ToolBox pane in the Visual Basic workspace. Change the name of this instance to MSHFLEXGRID.

  5. Copy the preceding code and paste it into the Code page to replace any existing code.

  6. Select Start from the Run menu to execute the application.