
Version 2020-04-08

The 2020-04-08 Azure Storage version includes the following features and updates:

  • You can now permanently delete a soft-deleted blob version or snapshot. For more information, see the Delete Blob operation.

  • The Get Blob Tags and Set Blob Tags operations now support the x-ms-lease-id header.

  • A new Put Blob from URL API lets you create a block blob from an existing blob.

  • You can specify protocol and squash root when you're creating a file share. You can also set squash root by using the Set Share Properties operation.

  • List Directories and Azure Files now support the include query parameter and x-ms-file-extended-info request header. For more information, see the List Directories and Files operation.

  • You can list deleted blobs and restore deleted blobs on storage accounts with hierarchical namespace enabled. For more information, see the List Blobs and Undelete Blob operations.