
Version 2018-11-09

The 2018-11-09 Azure Storage version includes the following features and updates:

  • The Get Share Stats API now returns the approximate size in bytes, instead of gigabytes.
  • A new API Put Page From URL lets you write pages in a page blob by using a range of another blob as a source. This permits synchronous server-side copies to be orchestrated for page blobs of any size.
  • A new API Append Block From URL lets you commit blocks in an append block by using a range of another blob as a source. This permits synchronous server-side copies to be orchestrated for append blobs of any size.
  • A new API Copy Blob From URL lets you copy a block blob synchronously by using a URL as a source. This API has a maximum size of 256 mebibytes (MiB) and preserves metadata and block list.
  • Shared access signatures (SAS) can now be scoped to an individual blob snapshot resource. For more information, see Create a service SAS.
  • Shared access signature string-to-sign construction has changed for all SAS tokens being created with a service version of 2018-11-09.
  • You can now sign a shared access signature with Microsoft Entra credentials. This new type of SAS is called a user delegation SAS. To create the SAS, call the new Get User Delegation Key operation to return the user delegation key, and then use that key to construct the SAS. For more information, see Create a user delegation SAS.
  • A new API List-Handles lets you list open handles of a file or directory.
  • A new API Force-Close-Handles allows the forcible closing of open handles of a file or directory.