
Version 2017-07-29

The 2017-07-29 Azure Storage version includes the following features and updates:

  • This version introduces the Soft Delete feature for blobs. The feature causes blob deletions and overwrites to retain the deleted or overwritten data for some time. You can enable and configure the soft delete feature by using the Set Blob Service Properties operation.

  • A new Undelete Blob API allows you to recover deleted data that was retained by using the Soft Delete feature.

  • The List Blobs API now accepts a new include parameter, deleted, which shows soft-deleted blobs and snapshots.

  • All error responses have an additional response header x-ms-error-code, which contains the error code string. For more information, see Status and error codes.

  • For Azure Queue Storage, the Put Message API now allows a time-to-live value in the messagettl parameter of more than 7 days. You may also specify -1 for this parameter to indicate that the message should remain in the queue until it's dequeued and deleted. The default value for this parameter is still 7 days.

  • When you're using shared access signature (SAS) tokens, the delete permissions (d) now grant permission to break leases on blobs and containers. This change affects only the SAS permissions that are specified in the sp parameter. Other SAS requirements are unchanged.

  • For premium storage, a lease condition is now supported on the Set Blob Tier API.