
Version 2015-04-05

Version 2015-04-05 of Azure Storage includes these changes:

  • Azure Files is now generally available. The service now supports Server Message Block (SMB) 3.0 as well as SMB 2.1. All new and existing storage accounts include a File service endpoint.

    For an overview of using Azure Files with Windows, see Use Azure Files with Windows. For an overview of using Azure Files with Linux, see Use Azure File with Linux.

  • Azure Files now supports Azure Storage analytics metrics. You can configure metrics for Azure Files from the Azure portal, from PowerShell, from the storage client library for .NET or for Java, or from the REST API. Use the Set File Service Properties operation to configure metrics for Azure Files. Use Get File Service Properties to retrieve metrics settings. For information about Azure Files metrics, see Azure Storage analytics.

  • An account shared access signature (SAS) is a new type of shared access signature at the level of the storage account. With an account SAS, you can:

    • Delegate access to service-level operations that aren't currently available with a service-specific SAS, such as the Get/Set Service Properties and Get Service Stats operations.

    • Delegate access to more than one service in a storage account at a time. For example, you can delegate access to resources in both Azure Blob Storage and Azure Files with an account SAS.

    • Delegate access to write and delete operations for containers, queues, tables, and file shares, which aren't available with an object-specific SAS.

    • Specify an IP address or range of IP addresses from which to accept requests.

    • Specify the HTTP protocol from which to accept requests (either HTTPS or HTTP/HTTPS).

    For more information about account SAS, see Create an account SAS.

  • Both an account SAS and a service SAS include two new optional fields on the SAS token:

    • The signed IP (sip) field specifies an IP address or range of IP addresses from which to accept requests.

    • The signed protocol (spr) field specifies the HTTP protocol from which to accept requests (either HTTPS or HTTP/HTTPS).

    When you're constructing the string-to-sign for an account SAS or a service SAS in Azure Storage version 2015-04-05, you must include the signed IP and signed protocol in the signature string. See Create an account SAS and Create a service SAS for more information.

  • The Copy Blob, Abort Copy Blob, Copy File, and Abort Copy File operations now support using a SAS for the destination blob, whether it's in the same storage account or a different storage account.