
Version 2015-02-21

Version 2015-02-21 of Azure Storage includes these changes:

  • A new blob type, the append blob, is now available. All writes to an append blob are added sequentially to the end of the blob, making it optimal for logging scenarios.

    Append blobs support an Append Block operation for adding blocks to the blob. After you've added a block by using Append Block, it is immediately available to be read, and no further commits are necessary. The block can't be modified after it has been added.

  • Many new features are available for Azure Files, including:

  • When you're constructing the string-to-sign for a shared access signature for Azure Blob Storage, Azure Table Storage, Azure Queue Storage, and Azure Files, you must include the service name in the canonicalized resource portion of the string. For more information, see Create a service SAS.

  • When you're constructing the string-to-sign, omit the value of the Content-Length header from the string-to-sign when that value is 0. For more information, see Authorize requests to Azure Storage.