
Setting the Prefer header to manage response echo on insert operations

By default, the Create Table and Insert Entity operations return a response payload that echoes the data contained in the request body. For version 2013-08-15 and higher of the storage services and OData data service version 3.0, it is possible to omit the response body echo by setting the Prefer header to return-no-content. If the Prefer header is set to return-no-content, the service will respond with status code 204 (No Content) and response header Preference-Applied:``return-no-content.

You can also set the Prefer header to return-content, which provides the default behavior of returning the response payload. In this case, the service will respond with status code 201 (Created) and response header Preference-Applied:``return-content.

If no Prefer header is specified, the service responds with status code 201 (Created) without the Preference-Applied header in the response.

For more details, see the documentation for the OData Prefer header.

See Also

Setting the OData Data Service Version Headers
Table Service Concepts