
iOS platform features in Xamarin.Forms

Developing Xamarin.Forms applications for iOS requires Visual Studio. The supported platforms page contains more information about the pre-requisites.


Platform-specifics allow you to consume functionality that's only available on a specific platform, without implementing custom renderers or effects.

The following platform-specific functionality is provided for Xamarin.Forms views, pages, and layouts on iOS:

The following platform-specific functionality is provided for Xamarin.Forms views on iOS:

The following platform-specific functionality is provided for Xamarin.Forms pages on iOS:

The following platform-specific functionality is provided for Xamarin.Forms layouts on iOS:

The following platform-specific functionality is provided for the Xamarin.Forms Application class on iOS:

iOS-specific formatting

Xamarin.Forms enables cross-platform user interface styles and colors to be set - but there are other options for setting the theme of your iOS using platform APIs in the iOS project.

Read more about formatting the user interface using iOS-specific APIs, such as Info.plist configuration and the UIAppearance API.

iOS Theming

Other iOS features

Using custom renderers, the DependencyService, and the MessagingCenter, it's possible to incorporate a wide variety of native functionality into Xamarin.Forms applications for iOS.