
Android designer diagnostic analyzers

This guide lists all of the currently supported Android layout diagnostic analyzers.


The following analyzers help to improve accessibility support:

ID Title Severity Description
ContentDescription Image without contentDescription Warning Missing contentDescription attribute on image


The following analyzers help fix correctness issues in a layout:

ID Title Severity Description Help
AdapterViewChildren AdapterView with children Warning AdapterViews cannot have children in XML Link
MissingId Fragments should specify an id or tag Warning This <fragment> tag should specify an id or a tag to preserve state across activity restarts Link
NestedScrollingVertical Nested vertically scrolling elements Warning Nested scrolling widgets
NestedScrollingHorizontal Nested horizontally scrolling elements Warning Nested scrolling widgets
ScrollViewSize ScrollView children with wrong fill_parent/match_parent sizes Warning ScrollView children with wrong fill_parent/match_parent sizes
ScrollViewCount ScrollViews can have only one child Warning A scroll view can have only one child
MissingAndroidNamespace Missing Android namespace on attribute Error Missing Android XML namespace; your attribute will be interpreted as a custom attribute
DuplicateIDs Duplicate IDs Error Duplicate ids within a single layout
IncludeLayoutParamsMissingWidthAndHeight Missing both width and height Error Ignored layout params on include Link
IncludeLayoutParamsMissingWidth Missing width Error Ignored layout params on include Link
IncludeLayoutParamsMissingHeight Missing height Error Ignored layout params on include Link
Orientation Missing explicit orientation Error Missing explicit orientation
Suspicious0dp Suspicious 0dp dimension Error Suspicious 0dp dimension
RequiredSizeWidth Missing width attribute Error Missing attribute: layout_width
RequiredSizeHeight Missing height attribute Error Missing attribute: layout_height
WebViewLayout WebViews in wrap_content parents Error
WrongCase Wrong case for view tag Error Wrong case for view tag Link


The following analyzers help to improve how you join layout files:

ID Title Severity Description
HardcodedColor Hardcoded color Info Hardcoded color often leads to inconsistency
HardcodedSize Hardcoded size Info Hardcoded size often leads to inconsistency
HardcodedText Hardcoded text Warning Hardcoded text
UnresolvedResource Unresolved resource URL Warning This resource URL cannot be resolved
XmlErrors XML syntax error Error XML syntax error


The following analyzers help improve the performance of your layout:

ID Title Severity Description
NestedWeights Nested layout weights Warning Nested weights are bad for performance
TooManyViews Layout has too many views Warning Layout has too many views
TooDeepLayout Layout hierarchy is too deep Warning Layout hierarchy is too deep
UselessParent Useless parent layout Warning Useless parent layout
UselessLeaf Useless leaf layout Warning This %1$s view is useless (no children, no background, no id, no style)


The following analyzers help improve layout usability for your customers:

ID Title Severity Description
NegativeMargin Negative Margins Warning Negative Margins
MissingInputType EditText with no inputType Warning No input type specified
InputTypePhone EditText appears to be a phone number Warning The view name suggests this is a phone number, but it does not include phone in the inputType
InputTypeNumber EditText appears to be a number Warning The view name suggests this is a number, but it does not include a numeric inputType (such as numberDecimal)
InputTypePassword EditText appears to be a password Warning The view name suggests this is a password, but it does not include password in the inputType (such as textVisiblePassword)
InputTypePIN EditText appears to be a PIN Warning The view name suggests this is a password (PIN), but it does not include numberPassword in the inputType
InputTypeEmail EditText appears to be an email Warning The view name suggests this is an e-mail address, but it does not include email in the inputType (such as textEmailAddress)
InputTypeURI EditText appears to be a URI Warning The view name suggests this is a URI, but it does not include textUri in the inputType
InputTypeDate EditText appears to be a date Warning The view name suggests this is a date, but it does not include date in the inputType (such as datetime)