
Windows 10, version 1909, connection endpoints for non-Enterprise editions


This version of Windows 10 has reached its end of servicing date. For more information, see Microsoft Product Lifecyle.

Applies to

  • Windows 10 Home, version 1909
  • Windows 10 Professional, version 1909
  • Windows 10 Education, version 1909

In addition to the endpoints listed for Windows 10 Enterprise, the following endpoints are available on other non-Enterprise editions of Windows 10, version 1909.

The following methodology was used to derive the network endpoints:

  1. Set up the latest version of Windows 10 on a test virtual machine using the default settings.
  2. Leave the device(s) running idle for a week ("idle" means a user is not interacting with the system/device).
  3. Use globally accepted network protocol analyzer/capturing tools and log all background egress traffic.
  4. Compile reports on traffic going to public IP addresses.
  5. The test virtual machine(s) was logged into using a local account, and was not joined to a domain or Azure Active Directory.
  6. All traffic was captured in our lab using a IPV4 network. Therefore, no IPV6 traffic is reported here.
  7. These tests were conducted in an approved Microsoft lab. It's possible your results may be different.
  8. These tests were conducted for one week. If you capture traffic for longer you may have different results.


Microsoft uses global load balancers that can appear in network trace-routes. For example, an endpoint for *.akadns.net might be used to load balance requests to an Azure datacenter, which can change over time.

Windows 10 Home

Destination Protocol Description
arc.msn.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Windows Spotlight
api.asm.skype.com TLS v1.2 Used to retrieve Skype configuration values
browser.pipe.aria.microsoft.com HTTPS Used to retrieve Skype configuration values
ctldl.windowsupdate.com/* HTTP Certificate Trust List
client.wns.windows.com HTTP Used for the Windows Push Notification Service(WNS)
config.edge.skype.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Used to retrieve Skype configuration values
dmd.metaservices.microsoft.com HTTP Device metadata
config.teams.microsoft.com HTTPS Used for Microsoft Teams application
*dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com HTTP Used to download operating system patches, updates, and apps from Microsoft Store
*.tlu.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com HTTP Used to download operating system patches, updates, and apps from Microsoft Store
*displaycatalog.mp.microsoft.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Used to communicate with Microsoft Store
evoke-windowsservices-tas.msedge.net HTTP/TLS v1.2 Used by the Photos app to download configuration files, and to connect to the Office 365 portal's shared infrastructure, including Office in a browser
fe2cr.update.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Enables connections to Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and the online services of the Store
fe3cr.delivery.mp.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Used to download operating system patches, updates, and apps from Microsoft Store
go.microsoft.com HTTP Windows Defender and/or Microsoft forward link redirection service (FWLink)
g.live.com HTTP OneDrive
checkappexec.microsoft.com HTTPS Used for Windows Defender Smartscreen reporting and notifications
*.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Windows Update
*.au.download.windowsupdate.com HTTP Windows Update
download.windowsupdate.com HTTP Windows Update
inference.location.live.net TLS v1.2 Used for Location Data
iecvlist.microsoft.com HTTP This endpoint is related to Microsoft Edge
login.live.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Device Authentication
logincdn.msauth.net HTTPS OneDrive
licensing.mp.microsoft.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Licensing
maps.windows.com TLS v1.2 Used to check for updates to maps that have been downloaded for offline use
mobile.pipe.aria.microsoft.com HTTP Office Telemetry
nav.smartscreen.microsoft.com HTTP Used for Windows Defender SmartScreen reporting and notifications
outlook.office365.com HTTP Used to connect to the Microsoft 365 admin center's shared infrastructure, including Office in a browser
ocsp.digicert.com HTTP Used by the Automatic Root Certificates Update component to automatically check the list of trusted authorities on Windows Update to see if an update is available
oneclient.sfx.ms HTTPS Used by OneDrive for Business to download and verify app updates
img-prod-cms-rt-microsoft-com.akamaized.net HTTP Used to communicate with Microsoft Store
manage.devcenter.microsoft.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Used to get Microsoft Store analytics
ris.api.iris.microsoft.com HTTPS Used to retrieve Windows Spotlight metadata that describes content
settings-win.data.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Used for Windows apps to dynamically update their configuration
smartscreen-prod.microsoft.com HTTP Used for Windows Defender SmartScreen reporting and notifications
*.blob.core.windows.net HTTP/TLS v1.2 Windows Telemetry
storage.live.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 OneDrive
skydrivesync.policies.live.net TLS v1.2 OneDrive
dm2302.settings.live.net HTTP OneDrive
slscr.update.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS V1.2 Windows Update
tile-service.weather.microsoft.com HTTP Used for the Weather app
tsfe.trafficshaping.dsp.mp.microsoft.com HTTP This endpoint is used for content regulation
watson.telemetry.microsoft.com* HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Diagnostic Data
v10.events.data.microsoft.com/onecollector/1.0/ HTTPS Microsoft Office
v10.events.data.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Used by the Connected User Experiences and Telemetry component and connects to the Microsoft Data Management service
www.bing.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Cortana and Live Tiles
www.msftconnecttest.com HTTP Network Connection Status Indicator (NCSI)
wdcp.microsoft.com HTTPS Used for Windows Defender when Cloud-based Protection is enabled
activity.windows.com TLSV1.2 Used by Activity Feed Service which enables multiple cross-device data roaming scenarios on Windows
adl.windows.com HTTP Used for compatibility database updates for Windows
spclient.wg.spotify.com TLSV1.2 Used for Spotify Live Tile
cs.dds.microsoft.com TLSV1.2 Used by Device Directory Service to keep track of user-device associations and storing metadata about the devices.

Windows 10 Pro

Destination Protocol Description
*.prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Windows Update
api.onedrive.com HTTP OneDrive
smartscreen-prod.microsoft.com HTTP Used for Windows Defender SmartScreen reporting and notifications
nav.smartscreen.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Windows Defender
*.update.microsoft.com HTTP Enables connections to Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and the online services of Microsoft Store
browser.pipe.aria.microsoft.com HTTPS Used to retrieve Skype configuration values
*.windowsupdate.com HTTP Used to download operating system patches and updates
*.wns.windows.com TLS v1.2 Used for the Windows Push Notification Services (WNS)
*dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com HTTP Used to download operating system patches, updates, and apps from Microsoft Store
c-ring.msedge.net TLS v1.2 Cortana and Live Tiles
a-ring.msedge.net TLS v1.2 Cortana and Live Tiles
*storecatalogrevocation.storequality.microsoft.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Used to revoke licenses for malicious apps on the Microsoft Store
arc.msn.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Windows Spotlight
*.blob.core.windows.net HTTP/TLS v1.2 Windows Telemetry
cdn.onenote.net HTTPS/TLS v1.2 OneNote Live Tile
checkappexec.microsoft.com HTTPS Used for Windows Defender SmartScreen reporting and notifications
config.edge.skype.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Used to retrieve Skype configuration values
config.teams.microsoft.com HTTPS Used for Microsoft Teams application
ctldl.windowsupdate.com HTTP Used by the Automatic Root Certificates Update component to automatically check the list of trusted authorities on Windows Update to see if an update is available
*displaycatalog.mp.microsoft.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Microsoft Store
fe2cr.update.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Windows Update
fe3cr.delivery.mp.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Windows Update
slscr.update.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Windows Update
evoke-windowsservices-tas.msedge.net HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Used by the Photos app to download configuration files, and to connect to the Office 365 portal's shared infrastructure, including Office in a browser
fp.msedge.net HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Cortana and Live Tiles
fp-vp.azureedge.net TLS v1.2 Cortana and Live Tiles
g.live.com TLS v1.2 OneDrive
go.microsoft.com HTTP Windows Defender and/or Microsoft forward link redirection service (FWLink)
iecvlist.microsoft.com HTTP Microsoft Edge
inference.location.live.net TLS v1.2 Used for Location Data
img-prod-cms-rt-microsoft-com.akamaized.net HTTP Used to communicate with Microsoft Store
licensing.mp.microsoft.com* HTTP/TLS v1.2 Licensing
login.live.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Device Authentication
logincdn.msauth.net HTTPS Used for Microsoft accounts to sign in
manage.devcenter.microsoft.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Microsoft Store analytics
maps.windows.com TLS v1.2 Related to Maps application
ocsp.digicert.com HTTP Used by the Automatic Root Certificates Update component to automatically check the list of trusted authorities on Windows Update to see if an update is available
ocsp.msocsp.com HTTP Used by the Automatic Root Certificates Update component to automatically check the list of trusted authorities on Windows Update to see if an update is available
oneclient.sfx.ms HTTPS Used by OneDrive for Business to download and verify app updates
mobile.pipe.aria.microsoft.com HTTP Office Telemetry
ris.api.iris.microsoft.com TLS v1.2 Windows Spotlight
settings-win.data.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Used for Windows apps to dynamically update their configuration
spo-ring.msedge.net TLSv1.2 Cortana and Live Tiles
telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com TLS v1.2 Used by Windows Error Reporting
tile-service.weather.microsoft.com HTTP Used for the Weather app
tsfe.trafficshaping.dsp.mp.microsoft.com HTTPS Used for content regulation
v10.events.data.microsoft.com/onecollector/1.0/ HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Diagnostic Data
v10.events.data.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Used by the Connected User Experiences and Telemetry component and connects to the Microsoft Data Management service
watson.telemetry.microsoft.com* HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Used by Windows Error Reporting
wdcp.microsoft.com HTTPS Used for Windows Defender when Cloud-based Protection is enabled
www.bing.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Cortana and Live Tiles
www.msftconnecttest.com HTTP Network Connection Status Indicator (NCSI)
outlook.office365.com HTTP Microsoft Office
storage.live.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 OneDrive
skydrivesync.policies.live.net TLS v1.2 OneDrive
windows.policies.live.net HTTP OneDrive
activity.windows.com TLSV1.2 Used by Activity Feed Service which enables multiple cross-device data roaming scenarios on Windows
adl.windows.com HTTP Used for compatibility database updates for Windows
spclient.wg.spotify.com TLSV1.2 Used for Spotify Live Tile
cs.dds.microsoft.com TLSV1.2 Used by Device Directory Service to keep track of user-device associations and storing metadata about the devices.

Windows 10 Education

Destination Protocol Description
arc.msn.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Windows Spotlight
*.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com HTTP Used to download operating system patches, updates, and apps from Microsoft
client.wns.windows.com TLS v1.2 Used for the Windows Push Notification Services (WNS)
*storecatalogrevocation.storequality.microsoft.com TLS v1.2 Used to revoke licenses for malicious apps on the Microsoft Store
ctldl.windowsupdate.com HTTP Certificate Trust List
dmd.metaservices.microsoft.com HTTP Device metadata
Inference.location.live.net TLS v1.2 Location
oneclient.sfx.ms HTTPS OneDrive
storage.live.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 OneDrive
skydrivesync.policies.live.net TLS v1.2 OneDrive
slscr.update.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Windows Update
fe2cr.update.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Windows Update
fe3cr.delivery.mp.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Windows Update
tsfe.trafficshaping.dsp.mp.microsoft.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Windows Update
officehomeblobs.blob.core.windows.net HTTP Windows Telemetry
*displaycatalog.mp.microsoft.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Microsoft Store
img-prod-cms-rt-microsoft-com.akamaized.net HTTP Used to communicate with Microsoft Store
config.teams.microsoft.com HTTPS Teams
api.asm.skype.com TLS v1.2 Used to retrieve Skype configuration values
config.edge.skype.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Used to retrieve Skype configuration values
logincdn.msauth.net HTTPS OneDrive
iecvlist.microsoft.com HTTP Microsoft Edge
download.windowsupdate.com HTTP Windows Update
checkappexec.microsoft.com HTTPS Windows Defender
evoke-windowsservices-tas.msedge.net HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Photos app
g.live.com TLS v1.2 OneDrive
go.microsoft.com HTTP Windows Defender
licensing.mp.microsoft.com HTTP/TLS v1.2 Licensing
login.live.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Device Authentication
manage.devcenter.microsoft.com TLS v1.2 Microsoft Store analytics
ocsp.digicert.com HTTP CRL and OCSP checks to the issuing certificate authorities
ris.api.iris.microsoft.com TLS v1.2 Windows spotlight
telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com TLS v1.2 Used by Windows Error Reporting
tile-service.weather.microsoft.com HTTP Used to download updates to the Weather app Live Tile
v10.events.data.microsoft.com HTTPS/TLS v1.2 Diagnostic Data
V10.events.data.microsoft.com/onecollector/1.0/ HTTPS Diagnostic Data
Watson.telemetry.microsoft.com/telemetry.request HTTPS Diagnostic Data
watson.telemetry.microsoft.com HTTPS Diagnostic Data
outlook.office365.com HTTP Microsoft Office
www.bing.com TLS v1.2 Used for updates for Cortana, apps, and Live Tiles
www.msftconnecttest.com HTTP Network Connection (NCSI)
adl.windows.com HTTP Used for compatibility database updates for Windows