
Windows 10, version 1809, connection endpoints for non-Enterprise editions


This version of Windows 10 has reached its end of servicing date. For more information, see Microsoft Product Lifecyle.

Applies to

  • Windows 10 Home, version 1809
  • Windows 10 Professional, version 1809
  • Windows 10 Education, version 1809

In addition to the endpoints listed for Windows 10 Enterprise, the following endpoints are available on other editions of Windows 10, version 1809.

We used the following methodology to derive these network endpoints:

  1. Set up the latest version of Windows 10 on a test virtual machine using the default settings.
  2. Leave the devices running idle for a week (that is, a user is not interacting with the system/device).
  3. Use globally accepted network protocol analyzer/capturing tools and log all background egress traffic.
  4. Compile reports on traffic going to public IP addresses.
  5. The test virtual machine was logged in using a local account and was not joined to a domain or Azure Active Directory.
  6. All traffic was captured in our lab using a IPV4 network. Therefore no IPV6 traffic is reported here.


Microsoft uses global load balancers that can appear in network trace-routes. For example, an endpoint for *.akadns.net might be used to load balance requests to an Azure datacenter, which can change over time.

Windows 10 Home

Destination Protocol Description
*.aria.microsoft.com* HTTPS Office Telemetry
*.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com* HTTP Enables connections to Windows Update.
*.download.windowsupdate.com* HTTP Used to download operating system patches and updates.
*.g.akamai.net HTTPS Used to check for updates to maps that have been downloaded for offline use.
*.msn.com* TLSv1.2/HTTPS Windows Spotlight related traffic
*.Skype.com HTTP/HTTPS Skype related traffic
*.smartscreen.microsoft.com HTTPS Windows Defender Smartscreen related traffic
*.telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com* HTTPS Used by Windows Error Reporting.
*cdn.onenote.net* HTTP OneNote related traffic
*displaycatalog.mp.microsoft.com* HTTPS Used to communicate with Microsoft Store.
*geo-prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com* TLSv1.2/HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update.
*hwcdn.net* HTTP Used by the Highwinds Content Delivery Network to perform Windows updates.
*img-prod-cms-rt-microsoft-com.akamaized.net* HTTPS Used to download image files that are called when applications run (Microsoft Store or Inbox MSN Apps).
*maps.windows.com* HTTPS Related to Maps application.
*msedge.net* HTTPS Used by OfficeHub to get the metadata of Office apps.
*nexusrules.officeapps.live.com* HTTPS Office Telemetry
*photos.microsoft.com* HTTPS Photos App related traffic
*prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com* TLSv1.2/HTTPS Used for Windows Update downloads of apps and OS updates.
*wac.phicdn.net* HTTP Windows Update related traffic
*windowsupdate.com* HTTP Windows Update related traffic
*wns.windows.com* HTTPS, TLSv1.2 Used for the Windows Push Notification Services (WNS).
*wpc.v0cdn.net* Windows Telemetry related traffic
auth.gfx.ms/16.000.27934.1/OldConvergedLogin_PCore.js MSA related
evoke-windowsservices-tas.msedge* HTTPS The following endpoint is used by the Photos app to download configuration files, and to connect to the Microsoft 365 admin center's shared infrastructure, including Office. To turn off traffic for this endpoint, either uninstall the Photos app or disable the Microsoft Store. If you disable the Microsoft store, other Store apps cannot be installed or updated. Additionally, the Microsoft Store won't be able to revoke malicious Store apps and users will still be able to open them.
fe2.update.microsoft.com* TLSv1.2/HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and the online services of Microsoft Store.
fe3.*.mp.microsoft.com.* TLSv1.2/HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and the online services of Microsoft Store.
fs.microsoft.com Font Streaming (in ENT traffic)
g.live.com* HTTPS Used by OneDrive
iriscoremetadataprod.blob.core.windows.net HTTPS Windows Telemetry
mscrl.microsoft.com Certificate Revocation List related traffic.
ocsp.digicert.com* HTTP CRL and OCSP checks to the issuing certificate authorities.
officeclient.microsoft.com HTTPS Office related traffic.
oneclient.sfx.ms* HTTPS Used by OneDrive for Business to download and verify app updates.
purchase.mp.microsoft.com* HTTPS Used to communicate with Microsoft Store.
query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com* HTTPS Used to retrieve Windows Spotlight metadata.
ris.api.iris.microsoft.com* TLSv1.2/HTTPS Used to retrieve Windows Spotlight metadata.
ris-prod-atm.trafficmanager.net HTTPS Azure traffic manager
settings.data.microsoft.com* HTTPS Used for Windows apps to dynamically update their configuration.
settings-win.data.microsoft.com* HTTPS Used for Windows apps to dynamically update their configuration.
sls.update.microsoft.com* TLSv1.2/HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update.
store*.dsx.mp.microsoft.com* HTTPS Used to communicate with Microsoft Store.
storecatalogrevocation.storequality.microsoft.com* HTTPS Used to revoke licenses for malicious apps on the Microsoft Store.
store-images.s-microsoft.com* HTTP Used to get images that are used for Microsoft Store suggestions.
tile-service.weather.microsoft.com* HTTP Used to download updates to the Weather app Live Tile.
tsfe.trafficshaping.dsp.mp.microsoft.com* TLSv1.2 Used for content regulation.
v10.events.data.microsoft.com HTTPS Diagnostic Data
wdcp.microsoft.* TLSv1.2 Used for Windows Defender when Cloud-based Protection is enabled.
wd-prod-cp-us-west-1-fe.westus.cloudapp.azure.com HTTPS Windows Defender related traffic.
www.bing.com* HTTP Used for updates for Cortana, apps, and Live Tiles.

Windows 10 Pro

Destination Protocol Description
*.e-msedge.net HTTPS Used by OfficeHub to get the metadata of Office apps.
*.g.akamaiedge.net HTTPS Used to check for updates to maps that have been downloaded for offline use.
*.s-msedge.net HTTPS Used by OfficeHub to get the metadata of Office apps.
*.tlu.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com/* HTTP Enables connections to Windows Update.
*geo-prod.dodsp.mp.microsoft.com.nsatc.net HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update.
arc.msn.com.nsatc.net HTTPS Used to retrieve Windows Spotlight metadata.
au.download.windowsupdate.com/* HTTP Enables connections to Windows Update.
ctldl.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/* HTTP Used to download certificates that are publicly known to be fraudulent.
cy2.licensing.md.mp.microsoft.com.akadns.net HTTPS Used to communicate with Microsoft Store.
cy2.settings.data.microsoft.com.akadns.net HTTPS Used to communicate with Microsoft Store.
dm3p.wns.notify.windows.com.akadns.net HTTPS Used for the Windows Push Notification Services (WNS)
fe3.delivery.dsp.mp.microsoft.com.nsatc.net HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and the online services of Microsoft Store.
g.msn.com.nsatc.net HTTPS Used to retrieve Windows Spotlight metadata.
ipv4.login.msa.akadns6.net HTTPS Used for Microsoft accounts to sign in.
location-inference-westus.cloudapp.net HTTPS Used for location data.
modern.watson.data.microsoft.com.akadns.net HTTPS Used by Windows Error Reporting.
ocsp.digicert.com* HTTP CRL and OCSP checks to the issuing certificate authorities.
ris.api.iris.microsoft.com.akadns.net HTTPS Used to retrieve Windows Spotlight metadata.
tile-service.weather.microsoft.com/* HTTP Used to download updates to the Weather app Live Tile.
tsfe.trafficshaping.dsp.mp.microsoft.com HTTPS Used for content regulation.
vip5.afdorigin-prod-am02.afdogw.com HTTPS Used to serve office 365 experimentation traffic

Windows 10 Education

Destination Protocol Description
*.b.akamaiedge.net HTTPS Used to check for updates to maps that have been downloaded for offline use.
*.e-msedge.net HTTPS Used by OfficeHub to get the metadata of Office apps.
*.g.akamaiedge.net HTTPS Used to check for updates to maps that have been downloaded for offline use.
*.s-msedge.net HTTPS Used by OfficeHub to get the metadata of Office apps.
*.telecommand.telemetry.microsoft.com.akadns.net HTTPS Used by Windows Error Reporting.
*.tlu.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com* HTTP Enables connections to Windows Update.
*.windowsupdate.com* HTTP Enables connections to Windows Update.
*geo-prod.do.dsp.mp.microsoft.com HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update.
au.download.windowsupdate.com* HTTP Enables connections to Windows Update.
cdn.onenote.net/livetile/* HTTPS Used for OneNote Live Tile.
client-office365-tas.msedge.net/* HTTPS Used to connect to the Microsoft 365 admin center’s shared infrastructure, including Office.
config.edge.skype.com/* HTTPS Used to retrieve Skype configuration values. 
ctldl.windowsupdate.com/* HTTP Used to download certificates that are publicly known to be fraudulent.
cy2.displaycatalog.md.mp.microsoft.com.akadns.net HTTPS Used to communicate with Microsoft Store.
cy2.licensing.md.mp.microsoft.com.akadns.net HTTPS Used to communicate with Microsoft Store.
cy2.settings.data.microsoft.com.akadns.net HTTPS Used to communicate with Microsoft Store.
displaycatalog.mp.microsoft.com/* HTTPS Used to communicate with Microsoft Store.
download.windowsupdate.com/* HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update.
fe2.update.microsoft.com/* HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and the online services of Microsoft Store.
fe3.delivery.dsp.mp.microsoft.com.nsatc.net HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and the online services of Microsoft Store.
fe3.delivery.mp.microsoft.com/* HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and the online services of Microsoft Store.
g.live.com/odclientsettings/* HTTPS Used by OneDrive for Business to download and verify app updates.
g.msn.com.nsatc.net HTTPS Used to retrieve Windows Spotlight metadata.
ipv4.login.msa.akadns6.net HTTPS Used for Microsoft accounts to sign in.
licensing.mp.microsoft.com/* HTTPS Used for online activation and some app licensing.
maps.windows.com/windows-app-web-link HTTPS Link to Maps application
modern.watson.data.microsoft.com.akadns.net HTTPS Used by Windows Error Reporting.
ocos-office365-s2s.msedge.net/* HTTPS Used to connect to the Microsoft 365 admin center's shared infrastructure.
ocsp.digicert.com* HTTP CRL and OCSP checks to the issuing certificate authorities.
oneclient.sfx.ms/* HTTPS Used by OneDrive for Business to download and verify app updates.
settings-win.data.microsoft.com/settings/* HTTPS Used as a way for apps to dynamically update their configuration. 
sls.update.microsoft.com/* HTTPS Enables connections to Windows Update.
storecatalogrevocation.storequality.microsoft.com/* HTTPS Used to revoke licenses for malicious apps on the Microsoft Store.
tile-service.weather.microsoft.com/* HTTP Used to download updates to the Weather app Live Tile.
tsfe.trafficshaping.dsp.mp.microsoft.com HTTPS Used for content regulation.
vip5.afdorigin-prod-ch02.afdogw.com HTTPS Used to serve office 365 experimentation traffic.
watson.telemetry.microsoft.com/Telemetry.Request HTTPS Used by Windows Error Reporting.
bing.com/* HTTPS Used for updates for Cortana, apps, and Live Tiles.