
Accessing NET_BUFFER_LIST Information in IPsec Offload Version 2

[The IPsec Task Offload feature is deprecated and should not be used.]

NDIS provides out-of-band (OOB) data in the NetBufferListInfo member of the NET_BUFFER_LIST structure, which specifies a linked list of NET_BUFFER structures. The NetBufferListInfo member is an array of values that contain information that is common to all of the NET_BUFFER structures in the list.

Use the following identifiers with the NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO macro to set and get the IPsec offload version 2 (IPsecOV2) OOB data in the NetBufferListInfo array:

Specifies IPsecOV2 information that is used in offloading IPsec tasks from the TCP/IP protocol to a NIC. When you specify IPsecOffloadV2NetBufferListInfo, NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO returns an NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO structure.

Specifies IPsecOV2 tunnel information that is used in offloading IPsec tasks from the TCP/IP protocol to a NIC. When you specify IPsecOffloadV2TunnelNetBufferListInfo, NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO returns an NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_TUNNEL_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO structure.

Specifies the header offsets for IPsec headers in the NET_BUFFER_LIST and the values for the next header and pad length. When you specify IPsecOffloadV2HeaderNetBufferListInfo, NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO returns an NDIS_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V2_HEADER_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO structure.