
New Linked Report Page (Report Manager)

Use the New Linked Report page to create a linked report. A linked report is a report with settings and properties of its own, but links to the report definition of another report. Linked reports are useful when you have a base report that you want to vary for specific groups or users; for example, a regional report that returns different data based on a regional code that you specify as a parameter. A linked report is typically created from a parameterized report when you want to vary and then save different parameter values with each report instance. However, you can create a linked report from any report to which you have access.

A linked report can have its own name, description, location, parameter properties, report execution properties, report history properties, permissions, and subscriptions. However, a linked report must use the data source properties and layout of the base report that provides the report definition.

Use the following procedures to navigate to this location in the user interface (UI).

To open the New Linked Report page from the Contents page

  1. Open Report Manager, and locate a report for which you want to create a linked report.

  2. Hover over the report, and click the drop-down arrow.

  3. In the drop-down menu, click Create Linked Report.

To open the New Linked Report page from the General properties page of a report

  1. Open Report Manager, and locate a report for which you want to create a linked report.

  2. Hover over the report, and click the drop-down arrow.

  3. In the drop-down menu, click Manage. This opens the General properties page for the report.

  4. In the item toolbar, click Create Linked Report.


  • Name
    Specify the name of the linked report. A name must contain at least one alphanumeric character. It can also include spaces and certain symbols. However, you must not use the characters ; ? : @ & = + , $ / * < > | " or / when specifying a name.

  • Description
    Type a description of the report contents. This description appears in the Contents page to users who have permission to access the report.

  • Location
    Specify the folder path that contains the report. By default, linked reports are created as siblings to the base report. Click Change Location to put the linked report in a different folder.

  • OK
    Click OK to save your changes and return to the General properties page of the base report.