
Understanding Database Engine Tuning Advisor

Database Engine Tuning Advisor is a tool that analyzes the performance effects of workloads run against one or more databases. A workload is a set of Transact-SQL statements that executes against databases you want to tune. After analyzing the effects of a workload on your databases, Database Engine Tuning Advisor provides recommendations to add, remove, or modify physical design structures in Microsoft SQL Server databases. These physical performance structures include clustered indexes, nonclustered indexes, indexed views, and partitioning. When implemented, Database Engine Tuning Advisor recommendations enable the query processor to perform workload tasks in the shortest amount of time.

Tuning your databases with Database Engine Tuning Advisor requires no expertise in database structure, workloads, or the internal workings of SQL Server.

Database Engine Tuning Advisor provides two interfaces:

  • A standalone graphical user interface tool for tuning databases, and viewing tuning recommendations and reports.

  • A command-line utility program, dta.exe, for Database Engine Tuning Advisor functionality in software programs and scripts.

In previous releases of SQL Server, some Database Engine Tuning Advisor functionality was provided by the Index Tuning Wizard. Database Engine Tuning Advisor evaluates more types of events and structures, and provides higher quality recommendations.

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