
Enable/Disable Writeback Dialog Box (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data)

The Enable/Disable Writeback dialog box enables or disables writeback for a measure group in a cube. Enabling writeback on a measure group defines a writeback partition and creates a writeback table for that measure group. Disabling writeback on a measure group removes the writeback partition but does not delete the writeback table, to avoid unanticipated data loss. The Enable/Disable Writeback dialog box is displayed by:

  • Clicking Writeback Settings in the Measure Groups pane on the Partitions tab in Cube Designer.

  • Right-clicking a partition in the Partitions grid in the Measure Groups pane on the Partitions tab in Cube Designer and selecting Writeback Settings from the context menu.


  • Table name
    Type the name of the writeback table to create for the selected partition. The writeback table stores the changes made to the measure group from a client application.


    This option is disabled if writeback is not enabled.

  • Data source
    Select the data source to contain the writeback table.


    This option is disabled if writeback is not enabled.

  • New
    Click to display the Connection Manager dialog box and define a new data source to contain the writeback table. For more information about the Connection Manager dialog box, see Connection Manager Dialog Box (Analysis Services - Multidimensional Data).


    This option is disabled if writeback is not enabled.