
Converting Writeback Data to a Partition

You can convert the data in a partition's writeback table to a partition. This procedure causes the writeback table to become the new partition's fact table.


Incorrect use of partitions can result in inaccurate cube data. For more information, see Creating and Managing Local Partitions.

Converting the writeback data table to a partition also write-disables the partition. All unrestricted read/write policies and read/write permissions for the partition's cells are disabled, and end users will not be able to change displayed cube data. (End users with disabled unrestricted read/write policies or disabled read/write permissions will still be able to browse the cube.) Read and read-contingent permissions are not affected.

To convert writeback data to a partition, use the Convert to Partition dialog box, which is accessed by right-clicking the writeback table for a write-enabled partition on the Partitions tab in Cube Designer. You specify a name for the partition and whether to design the aggregation for the partition later or at the same time that you create it. To create the aggregation at the same time you choose the partition, you must choose to copy the aggregation design from an existing partition. This is normally, but not necessarily, the current writeback partition. You can also choose to process the partition at the same time that you create it.