
How to: Browse for Report Parts and Set a Default Folder (Report Builder 3.0 and SSRS)

The easiest way to create a report is to add existing report parts, such as tables and charts, to your report from the Report Part Gallery. When you add a report part to your report, you are also adding everything it must have to work. For example, any report part that displays data depends on a dataset, that is, a query and a connection to a data source. After you add the report part to your report, you can modify it as much as you need.

You can set a default folder to publish report parts to the report server or SharePoint site integrated with a report server.

For more information, see Report Parts (Report Builder 3.0).

To browse for report parts

  1. On the Insert menu, click Report Parts.

    If you are not already connected, click Connect to a report server, and enter the name.


    You must be connected to a report server to browse for report parts.

  2. You can narrow your search by specifying details about the report part. Type all or part of the name and description in the Search box, or click Add Criteria and add values for any or all of these fields:

    • Created by

    • Date created

    • Date last modified

    • Last modified by

    • Server folder

    • Type

    For example, to find an image, click Add Criteria, and then click Type. In the dropdown box, select the Image check box, press ENTER, and then click the Search magnifying glass.


    For the Created by and Last modified by values, search for the person's user name as it is represented on the report server.

To set a default folder for report parts

  1. Click Report Builder, and then click Options.

  2. In the Options dialog box, on the Settings tab, type a folder name in the Publish report parts to this folder by default textbox.

Report Builder will create this folder if you have permissions to create folders on the report server and the folder does not exist yet.

You do not need to restart Report Builder for this setting to take effect.