
Map Parallel Properties Dialog Box, Labels

Use the MapParallel Properties dialog box to change label options for the horizontal grid in the map viewport. A parallel represents the following value depending on the specified coordinate system for the viewport:

  • Planar. The X coordinate.

  • Geographic. The latitude for the current projection.

Click the Expression (fx) button to edit an expression that sets the value of the option.


  • Interval
    Type an integer value in degrees that specifies the interval between parallels. By default, Auto is selected. If this option is set to Auto, the value is determined by the data from the map dataset.

  • Show labels
    Select this option to display labels for the parallels.

  • Placement
    Select a location to display the labels relative to the top, center, and bottom of the viewport. The default placement is Near.

    • Near   Display labels at the top.

    • One Quarter   Display labels half way between the top and the center.

    • Center   Display labels at the center.

    • Three Quarters   Display labels half way between the center and the bottom.

    • Far   Display labels at the bottom.