
IMutableView Interface

Represents a mutable SQL Server database view. 

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Metadata
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser (in Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.dll)


Public Interface IMutableView _
    Inherits IView, IMutableTableViewBase, ITableViewBase, IMutableDatabaseTable,  _
    IDatabaseTable, IMutableTabular, ITabular, IMutableSchemaOwnedObject, ISchemaOwnedObject,  _
    IMutableDatabaseObject, IDatabaseObject, IMutableMetadataObject, IMetadataObject
Dim instance As IMutableView
public interface IMutableView : IView, 
    IMutableTableViewBase, ITableViewBase, IMutableDatabaseTable, IDatabaseTable, IMutableTabular, 
    ITabular, IMutableSchemaOwnedObject, ISchemaOwnedObject, IMutableDatabaseObject, IDatabaseObject, 
    IMutableMetadataObject, IMetadataObject
public interface class IMutableView : IView, 
    IMutableTableViewBase, ITableViewBase, IMutableDatabaseTable, IDatabaseTable, IMutableTabular, 
    ITabular, IMutableSchemaOwnedObject, ISchemaOwnedObject, IMutableDatabaseObject, IDatabaseObject, 
    IMutableMetadataObject, IMetadataObject
type IMutableView =  
        interface IView
        interface IMutableTableViewBase
        interface ITableViewBase
        interface IMutableDatabaseTable
        interface IDatabaseTable
        interface IMutableTabular
        interface ITabular
        interface IMutableSchemaOwnedObject
        interface ISchemaOwnedObject
        interface IMutableDatabaseObject
        interface IDatabaseObject
        interface IMutableMetadataObject
        interface IMetadataObject
public interface IMutableView extends IView, IMutableTableViewBase, ITableViewBase, IMutableDatabaseTable, IDatabaseTable, IMutableTabular, ITabular, IMutableSchemaOwnedObject, ISchemaOwnedObject, IMutableDatabaseObject, IDatabaseObject, IMutableMetadataObject, IMetadataObject

The IMutableView type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property CollationInfo Gets the CollationInfo object that is used by the object collections. (Inherited from IDatabaseTable.)
Public property Columns Gets the collection of columns that belong to this object. (Inherited from IMutableTabular.)
Public property Columns Gets the collection of columns that belong to this object. (Inherited from ITabular.)
Public property Constraints Gets a collection of table constraints. (Inherited from IDatabaseTable.)
Public property Constraints Gets a collection of table constraints. (Inherited from IMutableDatabaseTable.)
Public property HasCheckOption Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the view uses the WITH CHECK OPTION option.
Public property HasCheckOption Gets a value that indicates whether the view uses the WITH CHECK option. (Inherited from IView.)
Public property HasColumnSpecification Gets or sets a Boolean value on whether the view has a column specification.
Public property HasColumnSpecification A Boolean value that specifies if the view has a column specification. (Inherited from IView.)
Public property Indexes Gets a collection of table indexes. (Inherited from IDatabaseTable.)
Public property Indexes Gets a collection of table indexes. (Inherited from IMutableDatabaseTable.)
Public property IsEncrypted Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the view is encrypted.
Public property IsEncrypted Gets a value that indicates whether the view is encrypted. (Inherited from IView.)
Public property IsQuotedIdentifierOn Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the quoted identifier is on. (Inherited from IMutableTableViewBase.)
Public property IsQuotedIdentifierOn Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the quoted identifier option is on. (Inherited from ITableViewBase.)
Public property IsSchemaBound Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a schema is bound to the view.
Public property IsSchemaBound Gets a value that indicates whether a schema is bound to the view. (Inherited from IView.)
Public property IsSystemObject Gets a value that indicates whether this is a system object. (Inherited from IDatabaseObject.)
Public property IsSystemObject Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this is a system object. (Inherited from IMutableDatabaseObject.)
Public property Name Gets the name of the metadata object. (Inherited from IMetadataObject.)
Public property Parent Gets the IDatabaseObject object that is the parent of this object. (Inherited from IDatabaseObject.)
Public property QueryText Gets or sets the Transact-SQL string that defines the view query.
Public property QueryText Gets the Transact-SQL string that defines the view query. (Inherited from IView.)
Public property ReturnsViewMetadata Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the metadata is returned with the view data.
Public property ReturnsViewMetadata Gets a value that indicates whether the metadata is returned with the view data. (Inherited from IView.)
Public property Schema Gets the ISchema object that owns this object. (Inherited from ISchemaOwnedObject.)
Public property TabularType Gets the tabular type. (Inherited from ITabular.)
Public property Triggers Gets a collection of DML triggers. (Inherited from IMutableTableViewBase.)
Public property Triggers Gets a collection of DML triggers. (Inherited from ITableViewBase.)
Public property Unaliased Gets the ITabular object that this object is an alias for. (Inherited from ITabular.)



  Name Description
Public method Accept<T>(IDatabaseObjectVisitor<T>) Accepts a visit from the specified IDatabaseObjectVisitor<T> object. (Inherited from IDatabaseObject.)
Public method Accept<T>(IMetadataObjectVisitor<T>) Accepts a visit from the specified IMetadataObjectVisitor<T> object. (Inherited from IMetadataObject.)
Public method Accept<T>(ISchemaOwnedObjectVisitor<T>) Accepts a visit from the specified ISchemaOwnedObjectVisitor<T> object. (Inherited from ISchemaOwnedObject.)
