
Database Audit Specifications (General Page)

Use this page to create, change or view a database audit specification. For more information, see Understanding SQL Server Audit.

  • Name
    The name of the database audit specification. This is generated automatically when you create a new server audit specification but is editable.

  • Server Audit
    The name of an existing audit. For more information, see Audits (General Page).

  • Audit Action Type
    Specifies the database-level audit action groups and audit actions to capture. For the list of database-level audit action groups and audit actions and a description of the events they contain, see SQL Server Audit Action Groups and Actions.

  • Object Name
    The name of the object to audit. This is only available for audit actions; it does not apply to audit groups.

  • Opens the Select Objects dialog to browse for and select an available object, based on the specified Audit Action Type.

  • Object Schema
    Displays the schema for the specified Object Name.

  • Principal Name
    The account to filter the audit by for the object being audited.

  • Opens the Select Objects dialog to browse for and select an available object, based on the specified Object Name.


A server audit must already exist before you can create a database audit specification because you must bind the specification to the server audit.

Database audit specifications reside in the database where they are created, with the exception of the tempdb system database. For more information, see tempdb Database.

When you are creating or modifying a database audit specification in a user database, do not include audit actions on server-scope objects, such as the system views. If server-scoped objects are included, the audit will be created. However, the server-scoped objects will not be included, and no error will be returned. To audit server-scope objects, use a database audit specification in the master database.


Users with the ALTER ANY DATABASE AUDIT SPECIFICATION permission can create database audit specifications and bind them to any audit.