
Backup Encryption Key (Reporting Services Configuration)

Reporting Services uses an encryption key to secure sensitive data that is stored in the report server database. Having a backup of this key is essential for ensuring continued access to encrypted connection strings and credentials.

You must have a backup copy of this key if you move the report server database to another computer or if you change the user name or password of the Report Server service account. Both operations require that you restore the key from a backup copy that you previously created.

To open the Backup Encryption Key dialog box, click Encryption Keys in the navigation pane of the Reporting Services Configuration tool, and then click Backup. This dialog box also appears when you update the service account using the Service Account page in the Reporting Services Configuration tool.


  • File Location
    Specify a file name and location for Reporting Services to the symmetric key. The symmetric key is never stored in plain text. You must type a password to protect the file.

  • Password
    Type a password that protects the file against unauthorized access. Only users who know the password will be able to restore the key that is locked inside the file. Reporting Services enforces a strong password policy. The password must be at least 8 characters and include a combination of uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric characters and at least one symbol character.

  • Confirm Password
    Re-type the password you entered.