
How to: View or Change Collection Set Schedules

You can view or change collection set schedules using SQL Server Management Studio.

The collection mode, cached or non-cached, determines how you can make changes to a schedule. Cached mode uses separate schedules for collection and upload. Non-cached mode uses the same schedule for collection and upload. The type of collection mode for each of the System Datacollection sets is as follows:

  • Disk Usage uses non-cached collection mode.

  • Query Statistics uses cached collection mode.

  • Server Activity uses cached collection mode.

To view collection set schedules

  1. In Object Explorer, expand the Management node, expand Data Collection, and then expand System Data Collection Sets.

  2. Right-click a collection set name, and then click Properties.

    The following page views are provided for all collection sets:

    • General - Provides information about data collection and upload, collection items (including collector type and collection frequency), the input parameters used to collect data, and the data retention period.

    • Uploads - Provides information about the management data warehouse, upload times, and the current upload schedule.

    • Description - Provides a description of the collection set.

    For example, the General page of the Disk Usage collection set has the following information:

    • Data collection and upload is non-cached and has a default schedule of "CollectorSchedule_Every_6h". This means that data is collected and uploaded to the management data warehouse every 6 hours.

    • The Collection items table displays two collection items for disk usage (Data Files and Log Files).

    • Each collection item uses the Generic T-SQL Query collector type.

To change the schedules for a cached mode collection set

  1. In Object Explorer, expand the Management node, expand Data Collection, and then expand System Data Collection Sets.

  2. Right-click a collection set that uses cached mode, such as Query Statistics, and then click Properties.

    The Data Collection Set Properties dialog box opens and displays a paged view of the collection set properties. By default, the properties for the General page are displayed.

  3. You can change the collection frequency on the General page. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. In the details pane, double-click the number that is displayed for the Collection Frequency (sec) column in the Collection items table.

    2. To increase or decrease the collection frequency, type a lower or higher number, and then press ENTER to store the new value.

  4. To change the existing upload schedule for the collection set, follow these steps:

    1. Click the Uploads page.

    2. In the details pane, click Pick.

      The Pick Schedule for Job dialog box opens. The available schedules are displayed as a table.

    3. Click the row with the schedule that you want. For example, to change the schedule to every 5 minutes, click the row where the schedule name is CollectorSchedule_Every_5min.


      You can view and edit the properties for the selected schedule by clicking Properties to open the Job Schedule Properties dialog box for the schedule. You can use this dialog box to change schedule information, such as the frequency.

      As an alternative to modifying an existing schedule, you can create a new upload schedule by clicking New on the Uploads page. This action opens the New Job Schedule dialog box, which you can use to create a custom schedule.

    4. When you are finished configuring the schedule, click OK.

      The changes that you made are displayed on the Uploads page.

  5. Click OK to save the changes to the collection frequency and the upload schedule, and to close the Data Collection Set Properties dialog box.

To change the schedule for a non-cached mode collection set

  1. In Object Explorer, expand the Management node, expand Data Collection, and then expand System Data Collection Sets.

  2. Right-click a collection set that uses non-cached mode, such as Disk Usage, and then click Properties.

    The Data Collection Set Properties dialog box appears and displays a paged view of the collection set properties.

  3. To change the schedule for the collection set, click Pick.

    The Pick Schedule for Job dialog box opens. The available schedules are displayed as a table.

  4. Click the row with the schedule that you want. For example, to change the schedule to every 5 minutes, click the row where the schedule name is CollectorSchedule_Every_5min.


    You can view and edit the properties for the selected schedule by clicking Properties to open the Job Schedule Properties dialog box for the schedule. You can use this dialog box to change schedule information, such as the frequency.

    As an alternative to modifying an existing schedule, you can create a new collect and upload schedule by clicking New on the General page. This action opens the New Job Schedule dialog box.

  5. When you are finished configuring the schedule, click OK.

  6. Click OK to save the changes and to close the Data Collection Set Properties dialog box.