
Full-Text Indexing Catalog Schedule


  • Name
    Specify the name for the schedule.
  • Enabled
    Check this box to allow this schedule to operate. Clear this box to prevent the scheduled catalog operation from running.
  • Type
    Specify one of the following patterns for starting the scheduled indexing operation: The operation will be started whenever SQL Server Agent starts; The operation will be started whenever the CPU(s) become idle; or the operation will be started according to a recurring time pattern specified in the dialog.
  • Recur Every
    Enter the number of days between each start of the scheduled operation
  • Start time
    Enter a time of day that the indexing operation will start on the specified start date.
  • Start date
    Enter a date that the operation, or recurring operation, will start.
  • End time
    This is an optional field. If this check box is enabled, SQL Server stops the scheduled operation as soon as possible after the specified end time on the specified end date.

    End date

    This is an optional field. If this check box is enabled, SQL Server stops the scheduled operation as soon as possible after the specified end time on the specified end date.

  • Description
    Displays a summary of the recurrence pattern.

See Also

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