
SQL Server Agent Tables

The topics in this section describe the system tables that store information used by SQL Server Agent.

In This Section

Topic Description

sysalerts (Transact-SQL)

Contains one row for each alert.

syscategories (Transact-SQL)

Contains the categories used by SQL Server Management Studio to organize jobs, alerts, and operators.

sysdownloadlist (Transact-SQL)

Holds the queue of download instructions for all target servers.

sysjobactivity (Transact-SQL)

Contains information about current SQL Server Agent job activity and status.

sysjobhistory (Transact-SQL)

Contains information about the execution of scheduled jobs by SQL Server Agent.

sysjobs (Transact-SQL)

Stores the information for each scheduled job to be executed by SQL Server Agent.

sysjobschedules (Transact-SQL)

Contains schedule information for jobs to be executed by SQL Server Agent

sysjobservers (Transact-SQL)

Stores the association or relationship of a particular job with one or more target servers.

sysjobsteps (Transact-SQL)

Contains the information for each step in a job to be executed by SQL Server Agent.

sysjobstepslogs (Transact-SQL)

Contains information about job step logs.

sysnotifications (Transact-SQL)

Contains one row for each notification.

sysoperators (Transact-SQL)

Contains one row for each SQL Server Agent operator.

systargetservergroupmembers (Transact-SQL)

Records which target servers are currently enlisted in this multiserver group.

systargetservergroups (Transact-SQL)

Records which target server groups are currently enlisted in this multiserver environment.

systargetservers (Transact-SQL)

Records which target servers are currently enlisted in this multiserver operation domain.

systaskids (Transact-SQL)

Contains a mapping of tasks created in earlier versions of SQL Server to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Management Studio jobs in the current version.

sysproxies (Transact-SQL)

Contains information about SQL Server Agent proxy accounts.

sysproxylogin (Transact-SQL)

Records which SQL Server logins are associated with each SQL Server Agent proxy account.

sysproxysubsystem (Transact-SQL)

Records which SQL Server Agent subsystem is used by each proxy account.

sysschedules (Transact-SQL)

Contains information about SQL Server Agent job schedules.

syssessions (Transact-SQL)

Contains the SQL Server Agent start date for each SQL Server Agent session. A session is created each time the SQL Server Agent service starts.

syssubsystems (Transact-SQL)

Contains information about all available SQL Server Agent proxy subsystems.