
Copy Aggregation Design Dialog Box (SSAS)

Use the Copy Aggregation Design dialog box in SQL Server Management Studio to copy the aggregation design from a source partition to one or more destination partitions. You can display the Copy Aggregation Design dialog box by right-clicking a partition in Object Explorer and selecting Copy Aggregation Design.




Source partition

Select the partition from which to copy the aggregation design.

Destination partitions

Select the partitions to which to copy the aggregation design.

The following grid is used to specify destination partitions:



<check box>Select or clear the check box in the column header to include or exclude all listed partitions as destination partitions. Select or clear a check box by a partition to include or exclude that partition as a destination partition.

Partition nameDisplays the name of the partition.

SourceDisplays the source query for the partition.

AggregationsDisplays information about the existing aggregation design for the partition.

See Also

Other Resources

Aggregations and Aggregation Designs (SSAS)

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