
How to: Create a Singleton Query

A singleton query is useful if you want to create a prediction only for a single case. For more information about singleton queries, see Singleton Query. For more information about how to use the Data Mining Extensions (DMX) language, see Data Mining Extensions (DMX) Reference.

You can click the first button on the toolbar on the Mining Model Prediction tab of Data Mining Designer to switch between a query design view and a query text view. When you are in the query text view, you can view the DMX code that Prediction Query Builder creates. You can also run the query, modify the query, and run the modified query. However, the modified query is not persisted if you switch back to the query design view.

To create a singleton query

  1. Click the Mining Model Prediction tab in Data Mining Designer.

  2. Click Select Model on the Mining Model table.

    The Select Mining Model dialog box opens to show all the mining structures that exist in the current project.

  3. Select the model on which you want to create a prediction, and then click OK.

  4. Click Singleton query on the toolbar of the Mining Model Prediction tab.

    The Singleton Query Input table appears on the tab, with the columns automatically mapped to the columns in the Mining Model table.

  5. On the Singleton Query Input table, select values in the Value column to describe the case for which you want to create a prediction.

  6. Drag a predictable column from the Mining Model table to the Source column at the bottom of the tab.

  7. Add any additional functions to the query by selecting Prediction Function or Custom Expression from the drop-down list in the Source column.

  8. Click Switch to query result view on the toolbar of the Mining Model Prediction tab.

    A new screen opens to show the result of the query.

See Also

Other Resources

Mining Model Prediction Tab How-to Topics

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