
SQLXML Managed Classes

Microsoft SQLXML Managed Classes exposes the functionality of SQLXML 4.0 inside the Microsoft .NET Framework. With SQLXML Managed Classes, you can write a C# application to access XML data from an instance of SQL Server, bring the data into the .NET Framework environment, process the data, and send the updates back to SQL Server as a DiffGram to apply the updates. You must use a mapping schema when applying updates to a SQL Server database using SQLXML Managed Classes. For a working sample, see Accessing SQLXML Functionality in the .NET Environment.

To use the SQLXML Managed Classes with SQLXML 4.0, you must install Microsoft Visual Studio.


The .NET Framework includes the SQL Server .NET Data Provider. This provider can be used to access SQL Server from the .NET environment; however, it can handle only traditional SQL queries (that is, relational database queries with the exception of FOR XML queries). You cannot execute XML templates or the server-side XPath queries in SQL Server 2005.

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