Lesson 3: Completing the Target Conversation Objects
New: 15 September 2007
In this lesson, you will learn to create the linked server and routes from the target instance of the Database Engine to the initiator instance. Run these steps from a copy of Management Studio that is running on the same computer as the target instance.
Create references to initiator objects
Copy and paste the following code into a Query Editor window. Change the FROM FILE clause to reference the folder to which you copied the InstInitiatorCertficate.cer file from step 4 in Lesson 2. Then, run the code to create an initiator user and pull in the initiator certificate.
USE InstTargetDB GO CREATE USER InitiatorUser WITHOUT LOGIN; CREATE CERTIFICATE InstInitiatorCertificate AUTHORIZATION InitiatorUser FROM FILE = N'C:\storedcerts\$ampleSSBCerts\InstInitiatorCertificate.cer'; GO
Create routes
Copy and paste the following code into a Query Editor window. Change the string MyInitiatorComputer to the name of the computer that is running your initiator instance. Then, run the code to create routes to the target service and initiator service, and a remote service binding that associates the InitiatorUser with the initiator service route.
The following CREATE ROUTE statements assume that there are no duplicate service names in the target instance. If multiple databases on the target instance contain services that have the same name, use the BROKER_INSTANCE clause to specify the database on which you want to open a conversation.
DECLARE @Cmd NVARCHAR(4000); SET @Cmd = N'USE InstTargetDB; CREATE ROUTE InstInitiatorRoute WITH SERVICE_NAME = N''//InstDB/2InstSample/InitiatorService'', ADDRESS = N''TCP:// MyInitiatorComputer:4022'';'; EXEC (@Cmd); SET @Cmd = N'USE msdb CREATE ROUTE InstTargetRoute WITH SERVICE_NAME = N''//TgtDB/2InstSample/TargetService'', ADDRESS = N''LOCAL'''; EXEC (@Cmd); GO GRANT SEND ON SERVICE::[//TgtDB/2InstSample/TargetService] TO InitiatorUser; GO CREATE REMOTE SERVICE BINDING InitiatorBinding TO SERVICE N'//InstDB/2InstSample/InitiatorService' WITH USER = InitiatorUser; GO
Next Steps
You have successfully finished configuring the target database to support a Service Broker conversation to the initiator database. Next, you will begin a conversation in the initiator database and send a request message to the target service. See Lesson 4: Beginning the Conversation.
See Also
Other Resources
EXECUTE (Transact-SQL)
sp_addlinkedserver (Transact-SQL)
Service Broker Routing and Networking
Networking and Remote Security