
How to: Configure the Report Server Integration Feature in SharePoint Central Administration

New: 12 December 2006

As a server administrator, you must specify integration settings that determine the connection between the SharePoint technology instance and a Reporting Services report server.

You must be an administrator on the SharePoint site or farm to configure report server integration, and you must have installed the Reporting Services Add-in that provides the configuration pages. You must also have a target report server that is already configured for SharePoint integrated mode.

The settings that you specify are stored in the SharePoint configuration database. If you are configuring integration for a farm that includes several virtual servers, the settings will be used by all Web front-ends in a SharePoint farm.

If you later modify the Reporting Services service accounts or extend a SharePoint farm to include additional applications, you must re-run the Grant database access command to update the access rights in the SharePoint configuration database. For more information, see Configuring Service Accounts and Passwords in Reporting Services.

Specifying the settings in Central Administration is only one part of configuring server integration. For more information about the complete set of tasks, see Configuring Reporting Services for SharePoint 3.0 Integration.


After you define a report server URL, use caution when modifying it later. Modifying a report server URL will disrupt the connection between the servers, affecting reports and models that are currently processing. If you change the report server URL on a production server, be sure to follow the planned downtime procedures established for your organization.

To specify report server integration settings in Central Administration

  1. In Administrator Tools, click SharePoint 3.0 Central Administration.

  2. Click the Application Management tab.

    In the Reporting Services section, you should see the following links: Manage integration settings, Grant database access, Set server defaults. If you do not see the section or the links, the Reporting Services Add-in is not installed on the computer or the feature is not activated. For more information, see How to: Activate the Report Server Feature in SharePoint Central Administration.

  3. Click Manage integration settings.

  4. In Report Server URL, specify the report server site that you want to use with the current SharePoint site or farm. The URL can point to a single report server instance, or it can be the virtual server name for a set of load-balanced report servers that run in a scale-out deployment.

    The report server URL includes a server name and a virtual directory that you specified in the Reporting Services Configuration tool. The following examples illustrate how a report server URL might be constructed:

    • http://your-server-name/reportserver (this example might be used if the report server is on a different computer).
    • http://your-server-name:8080/reportserver (this example might be used if the report server is on the same computer as the SharePoint deployment that you are integrating and you mapped the default Web site to port 8080).
    • https://your-server-name:443/reportserver.

    Do not specify https://localhost for a report server URL that is used throughout a SharePoint farm. A URL address that specifies https://localhost will not be valid for SharePoint Web front-ends that are installed on remote servers.

    If you installed the report server and the SharePoint technology instance side-by-side, and the SharePoint technology instance is using default values, port 80 will be used to access the top-level SharePoint site. When you install the report server on the same Web server, you must either assign and use a different port number on the default Web site, or create the report server virtual directory under a custom Web site that is uniquely identified through a port number, IP address, or a host header. For more information about report server URLs and the virtual directory, see Configuring Report Server Virtual Directories.

  5. In Authentication mode, select either Windows Authentication or Trusted Authentication to specify whether the URL proxy endpoint sends a header with a security token for an impersonated connection on the report server.

    All requests that originate from a user action on a Reporting Services application page are forwarded by the proxy endpoint to a report server for processing. Depending on the authentication mode, the request may or may not include a SharePoint user identity token in the header.

    If the SharePoint Web application is configured for Windows Authentication and the Kerberos protocol is enabled, you can select Windows Authentication to connect through Windows integrated security. In this case, no user identity token is sent. Optionally, you can select Trusted Authentication to impersonate the trusted account and pass the SharePoint user information in the request header to the report server.

    If the SharePoint Web application is configured for Forms authentication, the request header will always include SharePoint user identity and any value you specify for Authentication mode is ignored. For more information about server connections, see Security Overview for Reporting Services in SharePoint Integration Mode.

  6. Click OK.

  7. In the Reporting Services section, click Grant database access. During this step, the service account information is retrieved from the report server instance. A database login and permissions are created for each Reporting Services service account. Integrating a Reporting Services report server with a SharePoint Web application requires that the report server be able to access the SharePoint configuration and content databases. Both the Report Server Web service and Report Server Windows service must be able to connect as trusted users with read and write permissions.

  8. Specify the name of the report server. By default, this is the name of the computer.

  9. Specify whether the instance is the default instance or a named instance. If you are not sure, start the Reporting Services Configuration tool and connect to the report server. In the Instance Selection dialog box, expand Instance Name to view a list of the instances installed on the server. MSSQLSERVER is the name of the default instance. All other instances are named instances.

  10. Click OK.

    The Enter Credentials dialog box opens.

  11. In the Enter Credentials dialog box, specify the User Name and Password to connect to the report server to retrieve the Web service and Windows service accounts. Be sure to enter credentials for an account that is a member of the local Administrators group on the report server computer.

  12. In the Reporting Services section, click Set server defaults.

  13. In Report History Default, set a site-wide default value for the number of copies of report history to retain. The default value provides an initial setting that establishes the number of snapshots that can be stored for each report. You can specify different limits in property pages for specific reports.

  14. In Report Processing Timeout, specify whether report processing times out on the report server after a certain number of seconds. This value applies to report processing on a report server. It does not affect data processing on the database server that provides the data for your report. The report processing timer clock begins when the report is selected and ends when the report opens. The value that you specify must be sufficient to complete both data processing and report processing.

  15. In Report Processing Log, specify whether the report server generates trace logs and the number of days the log is kept. You can specify whether the report server generates trace logs and the number of days the logs are kept. The logs are stored on the report server computer in the \Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.n\ReportServer\Log folder. A new log file is started each time the service is restarted. For more information about log files, see Reporting Services Trace Logs.

  16. In Enable Windows Integrated Security, specify whether a connection to a report data source can be made using the Windows security token of the user who requested the report.

  17. In Enable Ad Hoc Reporting, specify whether users can perform ad hoc queries from a Report Builder report. Setting this option sets the EnableLoadReportDefinition property on the report server. If you clear this option, the report server will not generate clickthrough reports for reports that use a report model as a data source.

  18. Click OK.

See Also


Reporting Services and SharePoint Technology Integration
Configuring Report Server Virtual Directories
Managing Report History
Viewing and Managing Report Server Items from a SharePoint Site
Setting Time-out Values for Report Execution

Other Resources

Installing the Reporting Services Add-in

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