
Use the Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver with Your C or Visual C++ Application

Your C or C++ application communicates with Visual FoxPro data by sending a SQLExecute or SQLExecDirect statement to Visual FoxPro. This statement can contain the following:

For more information about SQL native to Visual FoxPro, see the Visual FoxPro documentation.

Example: Using the Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver with Your C or C++ Application

The following example uses the ODBC C API to retrieve data stored in the last_name field in the employee table in the Microsoft Visual FoxPro sample database named TasTrade. This database is provided with Visual FoxPro and is installed by default in the following location:


The example displays one last name at a time, allowing you to click OK on the message box to see the next last name. It is assumed that a data source named Tastrade has been set up to use the Tastrade.dbc database.


Error checking should be performed on all ODBC API calls; this example excludes error checking for the sake of brevity.

// FoxPro_ODBC_Driver_with_C.cpp  
// compile with: odbc32.lib user32.lib /c  
#include <windows.h>  
#include <sql.h>  
#include <sqlext.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <mbstring.h>  
#define MAX_DATA 100  
class direxec {  
   RETCODE rc;        // ODBC return code  
   HENV henv;         // Environment     
   HDBC hdbc;         // Connection handle  
   HSTMT hstmt;       // Statement handle  
   unsigned char szData[MAX_DATA];   // Returned data storage  
   SDWORD cbData;     // Output length of data  
   unsigned char chr_ds_name[SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH];   // Data source name  
   direxec();           // Constructor  
   void sqlconn();      // Allocate env, stat, and conn  
   void sqlexec(unsigned char *);   // Execute SQL statement  
   void sqldisconn();   // Free pointers to env, stat, conn, and disconnect  
   void error_out();    // Displays errors  
// Constructor initializes the string chr_ds_name with the data source name.  
direxec::direxec() {  
   _mbscpy_s(chr_ds_name, (const unsigned char *)"tastrade");  
// Allocate environment handle, allocate connection handle,  
// connect to data source, and allocate statement handle.  
void direxec::sqlconn() {  
   SQLAllocConnect(henv, &hdbc);  
   rc=SQLConnect(hdbc, chr_ds_name, SQL_NTS, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);  
   // Deallocate handles, display error message, and exit.  
   if (!MYSQLSUCCESS(rc)) {  
   rc = SQLAllocStmt(hdbc, &hstmt);  
// Execute SQL command with SQLExecDirect() ODBC API.  
void direxec::sqlexec(unsigned char * cmdstr) {  
   rc = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, cmdstr, SQL_NTS);  
   if (!MYSQLSUCCESS(rc)) {   // Error  
      // Deallocate handles and disconnect.  
      SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP);  
   else {  
      for (rc = SQLFetch(hstmt) ; rc == SQL_SUCCESS; rc=SQLFetch(hstmt)) {  
         SQLGetData(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, szData, sizeof(szData), &cbData);  
         // In this example, the data is returned in a messagebox for  
         // simplicity. However, normally the SQLBindCol() ODBC API could  
         // be called to bind individual data rows and assign for a rowset.  
         MessageBox(NULL, (const char *)szData, "ODBC", MB_OK);  
// Free the statement handle, disconnect, free the connection handle, and  
// free the environment handle.  
void direxec::sqldisconn() {  
   SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP);  
// Display error message in a message box that has an OK button.  
void direxec::error_out() {  
   unsigned char szSQLSTATE[10];  
   SDWORD nErr;  
   unsigned char msg[SQL_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH + 1];  
   SWORD cbmsg;  
   while(SQLError(0, 0, hstmt, szSQLSTATE, &nErr, msg, sizeof(msg), &cbmsg) == SQL_SUCCESS) {  
      sprintf_s((char *)szData, MAX_DATA, "Error:\nSQLSTATE=%s, Native error=%ld, msg='%s'",   
         szSQLSTATE, nErr, msg);  
      MessageBox(NULL, (const char *)szData, "ODBC Error", MB_OK);  
int main (){  
   // Declare an instance of the direxec object.  
   direxec x;  
   // Allocate handles and connect.  
   // Execute SQL command "SELECT last_name FROM employee".  
   x.sqlexec((UCHAR FAR *)"SELECT last_name FROM employee");  
   // Free handles, and disconnect.  
   // Return success code; example executed successfully.  
   return (TRUE);  