
Getting Started with MIIS 2003 Walkthrough: Lab Setup

Applies To: Windows Server 2003 with SP1

Previous Steps in This Walkthrough

  1. Overview

  2. Scenario Design


The recommended test environment for this document is a single stand-alone server on an isolated network. The following software must be installed:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 3a.

  • Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003 Service Pack 1

  • Hardware requirements must meet the minimum requirements outlined for each of the software packages listed above. The minimum hardware requirements can be found in the product documentation for each of the listed product or at https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=69110.


For the purposes of this walkthrough, all software is assumed to be installed on the same computer. The procedures presented in this walkthrough assume that the computer has been configured as a single server running Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, with SQL Server 2000, and MIIS 2003 installed.

Install Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition

The first step is to install the operating system. MIIS 2003 requires Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.

To verify that your test computer meets the minimum hardware requirements and for instructions about installing Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition, see Installing and Upgrading the Operating System at the Microsoft Web site (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=101307).

You will need the following parameters when installing Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition:

Setup Option Parameters

Computer name

Use FabrikamSVR

Administrator account

Provide an account name and password for a FabrikamSVR Administrator

Domain/Workgroup membership

Leave the server in a workgroup (no domain is required for this walkthrough)

Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000

The next step is to install SQL Server 2000 so MIIS 2003 can create the database it will use as its data store during MIIS 2003 installation. The installation of SQL Server 2000 is a two-part process. MIIS 2003 requires SQL Server 2000 with Service Pack 3a (SP3a) or later. This means that SQL Server 2000 must be installed first and then the SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3a must be applied.

For complete instructions covering the installation of SQL Server 2000, see the product documentation that came with the SQL Server product or see SQL Server Books Online at the Microsoft Web site (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=73101).

During the installation of SQL Server 2000, use the following parameters:

Dialog Box Title Parameters

Computer name

Select Use Local Computer.

Installation selection

Select Create a new instance of SQL Server or install client tools.

User information

Enter the user name and company name associated with this copy of SQL Server

Installation definition

Select Server and client tools.

Instance name

Make sure that Default is selected

Setup type

Select Typical.

Service accounts

Select Use the same account for each service. Autostart SQL Server service.

Under Service Settings, select Use Domain User Account and provide a user account, password, and domain for SQL Server to use (Because no domain has been created, use the computer name when prompted for the domain name). For testing purposes, this can be an administrator account on FabrikamSVR.

Authentication Mode

Select Windows Authentication Mode.

Licensing Mode

Select the option that applies to your company’s licensing policies.

After SQL Server 2000 is installed, SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3a must be applied. SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 3a can be downloaded from https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=36985.

To install the service pack, follow the instructions provided with the download. During the installation, you will be prompted three times. First, because default settings were used during the installation of SQL Server 2000, there is no password set on the SQL SA account. As a security measure, the service pack setup wizard will prompt you to enter a password for the SA account to make the system more secure. Provide a password that complies with your organization’s password policies.

Second, the wizard will display a dialog box stating that it is upgrading the search capabilities on the server and notifies you that some search functionality may not be available during the upgrade process. Because this computer is only used for testing and is not currently part of a production environment, this upgrade will have no impact on any current users and is of no concern during your setup. When prompted let setup perform the upgrade.

Third, a dialog box will ask if the server can be configured to send reports of any critical system errors to Microsoft. If the setup recommendations outlined in this document are followed, this computer will be on an isolated network during the testing process so error reports cannot be sent. This choice is purely optional and has no effect on the walkthrough. Choose the option you are most comfortable with.

Install Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003

The final step in preparing the server is the installation of MIIS 2003. Before launching the installation process make sure that the SQL Server Service is running.

To start the SQL Server Service

  1. Click Start, All Programs, and Microsoft SQL Server then click Service Manager.

  2. The following dialog box appears:


    Figure 1: SQL Server Service Manager User Interface

  3. Click the Start/Continue button. The red square icon will change to a green arrow once the service has started.

  4. Close the SQL Server Service Manager.

Once the SQL Server Service is running, you can begin the installation of MIIS 2003.

Next, perform the following steps to install MIIS 2003.

To install MIIS 2003

  1. Locate the installation files either on the product CD or on the network and start Setup.exe.

  2. The MIIS 2003 Setup dialog opens.


    Figure 2: Identity Integration Server 2003 Setup Dialog box

  3. Click Install Microsoft Identity Integration Server 2003.

  4. The MIIS 2003 Setup Wizard opens. Click Next.

  5. Read and accept the Licensing Agreement and then click Next.


    Figure 3: Licensing Agreement

  6. On the Type of Installation page, click Complete and then click Next.


    Figure 4: Type of Installation

  7. On the Store Information page, click This computer and The default instance. This instructs MIIS 2003 to use the default instance of the SQL Server Service installed on this computer. MIIS 2003 needs to locate a SQL Server and build its storage database during the setup process. This is why SQL Server must be installed and started prior to running MIIS 2003 Setup. This step defines which SQL Server this installation of MIIS 2003 will use. Click Next to continue.


    Figure 5: SQL Server Location

  8. On the Database File Location page, select Microsoft Identity Integration Server folder. This option establishes the location where the database file used by MIIS 2003 is physically stored. This information is important when it comes to planning backup procedures. Click Next to continue.


Figure: Database File Location

  1. On the Service Account Information screen, enter the user account information for the account that you want to represent MIIS 2003 when it run on the server. MIIS 2003 uses this account to establish its security context and the account provides a means for authentication when MIIS 2003 access resources on the server or network. For the purposes of this walkthrough, use the Administrator account. Use the server’s computer name, FabrikamSVR, for the Domain or local computer name option and then click Next.

    ddf8788a-f258-47ff-ba79-782c686dbb08Figure 6: Service Account Information

  2. MIIS 2003 setup creates group accounts that are used to control access to MIIS 2003 data and resources. On the Group Information screen, accept the default settings and then click Next.

    819a6334-935a-4e7b-9146-9980577654ebFigure 7: Group Information

  3. At this point, all the configuration options have been set. Click the Start button to begin installing the MIIS 2003 program files.

  4. This computer is being setup for testing purposes in a testing environment and therefore not all steps are being taken to create a secure environment that are normally recommended when setting up an MIIS 2003 server in a production environment. Because of this the following dialog box might be displayed while running Setup:

    0d774a71-0868-488a-951c-612d4fc09503Figure 8: Warning Dialog Box

    This is a warning letting you know that you have not followed the recommended practices for securing your MIIS 2003 server. This will not present a problem for the procedures covered in this document. Click OK to continue with Setup. If you are interested, you can find the complete list of best practice recommendations for creating a secure MIIS 2003 installation in MIIS 2003 Help in the Best Practices topic. MIIS 2003 Help will be available on the test server once you have finished installing MIIS 2003.

  5. One of the final messages you will receive will be a prompt to save the encryption key generated during the setup process. Click OK and a dialog will open asking for the file name and location. Use the default location and use any file name. This will not be used for any of the procedures in this walkthrough.

    0362be69-6c5b-4875-ad2b-2d1e31a6a199Figure 9: Save the Encryption Key

  6. When Setup is complete, the wizard will display the following message.

    488a5204-6662-4f82-ae07-2f301a70c002Figure 10: Completing the Setup Wizard

  7. Click Finish to close the setup window.

  8. When prompted, click Yes. This will log off the current user and allow you to log on again. Doing so updates the security group membership of the current user to include the new groups created during MIIS 2003 Setup.

    2cabb922-7da4-4b64-a28a-b7fb9437b190Figure 11: Updating Security Group Membership

At this point all the software needed for the procedures in this document is installed and ready to go. You can now carry out the walkthrough procedures.
