
Enable languages


Applies To: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online

Enable languages in your organization to display the user interface and Help in a language that’s different from the base language.

In This Topic

Enable the language

Select the language to display the user interface and Help

Known issues with Language settings

Enable the language

Before users can start using a Language Pack to display a language, the Language Pack must be enabled in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 organization.

  1. Start the Microsoft Dynamics 365 web application. You’ll need a System Administrator security role or equivalent privileges for the Microsoft Dynamics 365 organization that you want to provision a Language Pack for.

  2. Go to Settings > Administration.

  3. Click Languages to open the Language Settings dialog box. Here you’ll see each Language Pack installed in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 deployment, with a check box to the left of each listed Language Pack

  4. For each Language Pack that you want to provision (enable), select the check box next to it. For each Language Pack that you want to unprovision (disable), clear the check box.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Click OK on any confirmation dialog boxes that open.


    It may take several minutes for Microsoft Dynamics 365 to provision or unprovision the languages.

  7. To close the Language Settings dialog box, click Close.

Repeat the previous steps for each organization in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 deployment.

Select the language to display the user interface and Help

Each user selects the language to display in both the Microsoft Dynamics 365 web client and Dynamics 365 for Outlook applications.


For Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook, you must download and install the Language Packs before you can select them. More information: Install and enable a Language Pack

  1. Sign in to Microsoft Dynamics 365 and open the Set Personal Options page, as follows:

    • If you’re using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 web client, click the Settings button Settings button, and then click Options.

    • If you are using Dynamics 365 for Outlook, on the top menu bar, choose Dynamics 365, and then click Options.

  2. Choose the Languages tab.

  3. In the User Interface Language list, select the language in which you want to display Microsoft Dynamics 365.

  4. In the Help Language list, select the language in which you want to display Microsoft Dynamics 365 Help.

  5. To save your changes and close the dialog box, click OK.


In Dynamics 365 for Outlook, the user language settings only apply to Dynamics 365 for Outlook features, such as the user interface display of the Dynamics 365 menu, and don’t affect other areas of Microsoft Office Outlook. To display all of the Dynamics 365 for Outlook user interface or Help in multiple languages, you need to install one or more Microsoft OfficeLanguage Packs. More information: Office 2013 Language Options.

Known issues with Language settings

Distorted characters are displayed in some languages when you run Dynamics 365 for Outlook on Windows 10

By default, Windows 10 includes a limited number of available languages. If your language is not already available on Windows 10, you’ll need to download and install it before you install Dynamics 365 for Outlook. More information: Language packs.

See Also

Help & Training: Enable or disable languages

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