
VSMobileCenterTest@0 - Mobile Center Test v0 task

Use this task to test mobile app packages with Visual Studio Mobile Center.


app - Binary Application File Path
string. Required.

Specifies the relative path from the repo root to the .APK or .IPA file you want to test.

artifactsDir - Artifacts Directory
string. Required. Default value: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/MobileCenterTest.

Specifies the directory to place the artifacts that are produced by the prepare step and used by the run step. The directory is created if it does not exist.

enablePrepare - Prepare Tests
boolean. Default value: true.

If set to true, prepares tests.

framework - Test Framework
string. Required when enablePrepare = true. Allowed values: appium, espresso, calabash, uitest (Xamarin UI Test), xcuitest. Default value: appium.

Specifies the test framework that the task will use.

appiumBuildDir - Build Directory
string. Required when enablePrepare = true && framework = appium.

Specifies the path to the directory that contains Appium tests.

espressoBuildDir - Build Directory
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = espresso.

Specifies the path for the Espresso output directory.

espressoTestApkPath - Test APK Path
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = espresso.

Specifies the path to the APK file with Espresso tests. If a value is not set, build-dir is used to find the APK file. Wildcards are allowed.

calabashProjectDir - Project Directory
string. Required when enablePrepare = true && framework = calabash.

Specifies the path for the Calabash workspace directory.

calabashConfigFile - Cucumber Config File
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = calabash.

Specifies the file path to the Cucumber configuration file, which is usually cucumber.yml.

calabashProfile - Profile to run
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = calabash.

Specifies the profile to run. This value must exist in the Cucumber configuration file.

calabashSkipConfigCheck - Skip Configuration Check
boolean. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = calabash. Default value: false.

Forces the task to run without a Cucumber profile.

uitestBuildDir - Build Directory
string. Required when enablePrepare = true && framework = uitest.

Specifies the path to the directory with built test assemblies.

uitestStoreFile - Store File
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = uitest.

Specifies the path to the store file.

uitestStorePass - Store Password
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = uitest.

Specifies the password for the store file. Use a new variable with its lock enabled on the Variables tab to encrypt this value.

uitestKeyAlias - Key Alias
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = uitest.

Specifies the alias that identifies the public/private key pair used in the store file.

uitestKeyPass - Key Password
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = uitest.

Specifies the key password for the alias and store file. Use a new variable with its lock enabled on the Variables tab to encrypt this value.

uitestToolsDir - Test Tools Directory
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = uitest.

Specifies the path to the directory with Xamarin UI test tools that contains test-cloud.exe.

signInfo - Signing Information
string. Optional. Use when framework = calabash || framework = uitest.

Uses signing information to sign the test server.

xcuitestBuildDir - Build Directory
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = xcuitest.

Specifies the path to the build output directory, which is usually $(ProjectDir)/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos.

xcuitestTestIpaPath - Test IPA Path
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true && framework = xcuitest.

Specifies the path to the *.ipa file with the XCUITest tests.

prepareOpts - Additional Options
string. Optional. Use when enablePrepare = true.

Specifies additional arguments to pass to mobile-center test prepare step.

enableRun - Run Tests
boolean. Default value: true.

credsType - Authentication Method
string. Required when enableRun = true. Allowed values: serviceEndpoint (Mobile Center Connection), inputs (Credentials). Default value: serviceEndpoint.

Specifies the authentication method. Use a Mobile Center service endpoint connection, or specify credentials to connect to Visual Studio Mobile Center.

serverEndpoint - Mobile Center Connection
string. Required when enableRun = true && credsType = serviceEndpoint.

Specifies the service endpoint for your Visual Studio Mobile Center connection. To create one, click the Manage link and create a new service endpoint.

username - Mobile Center Username
string. Required when enableRun = true && credsType = inputs.

Visit Azure Mobile Center to set your username.

password - Mobile Center Password
string. Required when enableRun = true && credsType = inputs.

Visit Azure Mobile Center to set your password. This string can accept a variable defined in build/release definitions as $(passwordVariable). You may mark the variable type as secret to secure it.

appSlug - App Slug
string. Required when enableRun = true.

The app slug is in the format of {username}/{app_identifier}. To locate {username} and {app_identifier} for an app, find the app's listing on Azure Mobile Apps. The URL is in the format of https://mobile.azure.com/users/{username}/apps/{app_identifier}.

devices - Devices
string. Required when enableRun = true.

Identifies what devices this test will run against. Copy and paste this string when you define a new test run from Mobile Center Test beacon.

series - Test Series
string. Optional. Use when enableRun = true. Default value: master.

Specifies the series name for organizing test runs (e.g. master, production, beta).

dsymDir - dSYM Directory
string. Optional. Use when enableRun = true.

Specifies the path to the dSYM directory, which contains iOS symbol files.

locale - System Language
string. Required when enableRun = true. Allowed values: da_DK (Danish (Denmark)), nl_NL (Dutch (Netherlands)), en_GB (English (United Kingdom)), en_US (English (United States)), fr_FR (French (France)), de_DE (German (Germany)), ja_JP (Japanese (Japan)), ru_RU (Russian (Russia)), es_MX (Spanish (Mexico)), es_ES (Spanish (Spain)), user (Other). Default value: en_US.

If your language isn't displayed, specify Other and enter its locale, such as en_US.

userDefinedLocale - Other Locale
string. Optional. Use when enableRun = true && locale = user.

Specifies any two-letter ISO-639 language code, along with any two-letter ISO 3166 country code, in the format [language]_[country], such as en_US.

loginOpts - Addtional Options for Login
string. Optional. Use when enableRun = true && credsType = inputs.

Specifies additional arguments that are passed to mobile-center login step.

runOpts - Additional Options for Run
string. Optional. Use when enableRun = true.

Specifies additional arguments that are passed to mobile-center test run.

async - Do not wait for test result
boolean. Optional. Use when enableRun = true. Default value: false.

When set to true, executes commands asynchronously and exits when tests are uploaded without waiting for the test results.

cliLocationOverride - mobile-center CLI Location

Specifies the path to the mobile-center command-line interface (CLI).

debug - Enable Debug Output
boolean. Default value: false.

Adds --debug to the mobile-center command-line interface (CLI).

Task control options

All tasks have control options in addition to their task inputs. For more information, see Control options and common task properties.

Output variables



Requirement Description
Pipeline types YAML, Classic build
Runs on All
Demands None
Capabilities This task does not satisfy any demands for subsequent tasks in the job.
Command restrictions Any
Settable variables Any
Agent version All supported agent versions.
Task category Test